Monday, June 16, 2008

Polischuk's Road Trip!!

So Graham and I have been driving around the United States AND Saskatchewan for almost two weeks now. (This was my first time in Saskatchewan as illustrated in the picture to the left) Road tripping has been great in our little Honda Civic! We are currently in Arkansas, have put almost 7,000 km on the vehicle, have listened to all of our cd's at least once, I've read four books and finished crochet on one burp pad for a friend....GOOD TIMES!! Oh, and we still really like each other!!!!

Our goal was the Bonnaroo music festival near Nashville. It ROCKED, literally....the highlights were Pearl Jam, Jack Johnson, The Raconteurs and Metallica. The festival was comprised of various musicians on six different stages, one main one that held the crowds for the big headlining artists. There were 90,000 people there, a few who I'm sure attended Woodstock!!! Super fun times!! If we don't have kids by next summer we totally want to go again, maybe not driving though. We need to have things to look forward to right?? (Here is us infront of the main stage, Graham has been growing out the face hair...cute to look at but not to touch!!!)

(This is a pic of us at the Visitor's Center in Independence, Missouri! So interesting!)

On our drive down we were sooooo lucky to be able to stop at a few church historical sites,in planning we weren't sure how much time we would have before the festival and are so happy we had time! We were able to visit Winter Quarters, Independence and Liberty Jail. So amazing!! A must see! We had intended to visit Nauvou but because of all of the flooding in the midwest the route we wanted to take wasn't possible and we didn't have time to go around, bummer!!

It's been fun, we're alive!! Just a few pics and a hello!!! Love Jenny & Graham


The Hudkins Family said...

Sounds like an awesome trip, I would like to take Nancy on a trek around the States one day. That would be so cool.... and like you, we might still like each other after too!!!

Love Uncle Troy

The Hudkins Family said...

Good to hear from you and to see your pictures. You look happy!

Have a safe trip home.