Friday, June 27, 2008

On the Temple Grounds

Here is the official photographer earling his keep. He looks pretty good, doesn't he?

In fact, he worked so hard he had to take his jacket off.

I like this picture of Garth, Sylvia & Charlene.

Addie & Mike looked radiant and happy. Addie was a beautiful bride.

Gosh - I sure do make beautiful granddaughters!!


Brent is trying to teach me how to post pictures. Let's see how well he can do. Here are a few more pictures taken on the temple grounds.


The Hudkins Family said...

I can't believe I had time to go on here tonight. Boy the pictures sure came on fast. Thanks Brent and Gramma! And yes Gramma you do make good grand daughters. (Janene and I had nothing to do with it. Love you all.


The Hudkins Family said...

Everything was beautiful, congrats Addie and Mike! One question though...why did the chubby pregnant girl have to go in front?!? Hehe

The Hudkins Family said...

O.K. So now Ineed to learn something. That comment at the bottom of these pictures I wrote on the blog BEFORE I posted the pictures, and the other ones I tried to put beside each appropriate picture.

How come it messed me up. I hate when computers are smarter than old ladies.
