Sunday, June 1, 2008

Container Garden

Well, my container garden is growing. It all started out really well but because we have so many trees around us, I feel as though now my containers are not receiving as much sun as they should. It seems as though they only get about 2 or so hours of sun the very first thing in the morning. Maybe I'm too anxious, but it seems as though they're growing very slowly.

Our apartment stays really cool, even on the hottest days because of the sun being blocked and because we are in a corner, we have a cross draft. I've had my visiting teachers walk in on a really hot day and say "Oh, you have air conditioning!" -- NOT - it's just that my home is in the dark all summer long.

Anyway - I hope that the veggies will produce.

We are doing fine. Grampa has an appointment with an opthalmologist in August. The same one that did my cataracts. He is a candidate for corneal transplant. So we'll see how that appointment goes. I googled cornea transplant and it was very informative. Also, we know that Dr. Climenhaga is the best in the province.

My scrapbooking has slowed down. I'm in the process of doing the journaling right now for the pages I have completed. I thought that was more important than getting more pages done because after the 1960's you guys would know the people whereas, these old ones, you don't.

I hope your immigration situation is sorting itself out, Troy & Nancy. I have had a lot of people remembering you in their prayers and after all you can do, the rest is up to the Lord.

Hope you all had a great Sunday.

The Lord loves you and so do Grampa and I.

Love always,


The Hudkins Family said...

Gramma, I hope your garden gives you what you want. Thank you for having us in your prayers, Nancy and I both had a blessing today. We know things will work out, we just aren't sure how.

Love you lots and thank you and Grampa for always listening.
