Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Arland from Sizlin Managua

Hola familia!! Im here in Managua and i am thankful that it just rained because it was sooo hot today. Here is a research assignment for you all. what happend in Nicaragua on july 19th 1979? i have just experienced one of the biggest events of the year here! it was crazy. there were like hundreds of thousands of people in the park two blocks from where i am staying and the presidents from cuba, venezuela, guatemala, hunduras, nicaragua, etc. where there too. I just came back from the ocean yesterday and it was very warm there. The waves were huge. When we tryed to buy ice cream today the guy upped his prices. So we didnt buy ice cream. Anyways, ill take more pictures and ill talk to you all later. Bye!


The Hudkins Family said...

Well, I did my homework! I did a Google search and found some info. If you have 55 min. to spare, you can go to and watch a film on this special date. It is Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal site. It is somewhat anti-american but is very educational. I'll let everyone find out what the celebration was that Arland went to in Nicaragua. Viva Nicaragua!

Uncle Brent

The Hudkins Family said...

Thank goodness for search engines.

I Yahoo'd this and surprisingly enough, after reading about it, I vaguely remember a little on the news from back in 1979.

When I was young there was a song about Managua, Nicaragua. I remember some of the tune and a few of the words. They went:

Managua, Nicaragua is a beutiful spot.
There's coffee & bananas and the temperature's hot.
So take a trip upon a ship and go sailing away.
To Managua, Nicaragua da, da da, da, Ole (olay!)

It was a cute little song.

Have a great time, Arland. Thanks for your history question. It got us all searching anyway.

Love to all,

The Hudkins Family said...

I guess this answers a question I never thought to Ask Gramma Hudkins. Do you Yahoo??

The Hudkins Family said...

darn i thought if i was quick enough i could say ya i know. and i found out what it was but looks like gramma and uncle brent both beat me to it. i only know what happened because you can google have a good time arland.


The Hudkins Family said...

Hey Cass,
Good to hear from you. You gotta be way, way faster to keep up to these old guys!

In answer to the unsigned query.

Yup - I do...Yahoo. Quite frequently as a matter of fact!!
