Tuesday, July 8, 2008

From the Rockies

Hello everyone! don't have a heart attack, its me, Garth, on the blog (with Emmas help) I really enjoy the blog (mostly the reading part) Usually I do not have a lot of new to put on, however I thought I would put a couple of messages on the blog that we have recently received from Arland. For those of you who may not know, Arland is in Nicaragua with close friends of ours for the next five weeks. He left on July 2nd and we have finally heard from him. Here goes...

1st message
it has been good here... the weather has been great.. the houses are way different ...only dirt yards.. and lotsa cement and tin... it is nice though.. if you were trying to call.. the phone is broken.. so keep trying... but we will be out of town for a couple of days... tell everyone that i love them...love you.. miss you... bye!!

2nd message
i dont know much spanish yet.. but i can still comunicate a bit.. the people here are so friendly.. they appreciate everything that they have... the weather is very warm ... i get to go to a farm sometime this afternoon.. i went to see lake managua and it is like looking at an ocean.. the house i am in is not as good as the one that addie stayed in at costa rica.. the yard is just dirt.. the laundy place is out in the yard.. you have to go outside to get to each of the four entire rooms of the house... the room we're in is one of the better ones... i have hardly spent any money though.. keep me updated.. and try to call... the phone may still be broken though... anyways i love you all and i miss you... bye!!!!!!

We are excited for Arland and this opportunity that he has to see how the people live and how the country is. Arland has always been one to watch the news and see what is going on in the world. So this is right up his alley.

I thought I would also let everyone know, while I am on the blog, that I have given my notice of resignation at the co-op and will be buying into a partnership with a business in Rocky. Wow 19 1/2 years at the co-op! This is going to be weird. My last day of work is August 1st. Well this is probably enough time for me to be on the blog, I will now sign off and let someone else on.

Love you all...Garth.


The Hudkins Family said...

Thanks, Garth, for the update from Arland. What a great learning experience for him.

Congratulations on your new venture. We wish you all the very best -- I know where there's a good secretary with great organizational skills!! The Co-op will miss you a whole lot. You will enjoy the new challenge.

Mom & Dad

The Hudkins Family said...

I am envious of Arland, it will be a very educational experience that he will remember for the rest of his life. But most of all, his love will grow for those people of the lord in that part of the earth more than before.

I hope your new business venture is successful. A change is always good.
