Friday, July 18, 2008

New Family

Let's take a vote - I know they're pretty twitterpated, but I think the new Stannix family should give us an update and tell us a bit about their honeymoon.

I have 8 small tomatoes. Heavy on the SMALL. They don't seem to be growing very quickly. In fact, I'm not sure they're growing at all. There are lots of blossoms. I didn't think I could do much harm so today I clipped off many of the LARGE leaves. Maybe more strength will go into the tomatoes. I just don't think they're getting enough sun. The leaves on the trees are so thick that after 8:00 A.M. the sun is behind them and stays there all day. (That's on the days when we do get sun). Lots of clouds and showers - sometimes torrents of rain!

Grampa and I are doing well - same OLD, same OLD!!

Love you all, and love to hear from each of you on the blog.



The Hudkins Family said...

I was told by Roxannes Mother to clip off some flowers. This puts more nutrients to the other tomatoes. maybe getting rid of a few leaves would be OK but I think the large leaves gather sunlight for the tomatoes. Maybe Janene can shed some (sun)light on this. Heh heh heh, sometimes I crack myself up.

I have to work another 3 days off OT this weekend (a selfish jerk called in sick so he wouldn't have to). So far I haven't played that game but I may have to, to salvage some days off for the summer. But I do get 30 days off in Aug/Sep so maybe I'll just suffer it through.

