Wednesday, August 26, 2009


Hi All,
So Grampa is #16 on the waiting list now. If the numbers go as they have been, it will probably be about late November that he will get his new cornea.

Elder Kikuchi will be doing a mission tour in September. This will be our claim to fame. Can you believe we already have four months done at the mission office? Time sure flies when you're living on the wild side like Grampa and I do.

We love all the pictures on the blog. Sure enjoy all the ones of the little half-pint people - also wedding pictures. I keep checking for American wedding pics. (Ahem - Pat & Heather)

Yes, Troy, I enjoyed your rafting one. Especially the story line.

Sure love you all.

Gramma & Grampa

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Baby Cami

Hey Everyone,
Thought I would post some more pics of the little girl! we are officially moved into Edmonton and have a new address and phone number. We are pretty excited! Mike starts school again pretty quick too. Life is busy and great! Camilla is growing too fast! She's now 11 lbs.... She's doing well and changing lots!
Love you all,
Addie, Mike&Cami

Monday, August 17, 2009

Found some real keepers

This is Jacey eating her bib...awesome This is Jacey being attacked by daddy...better

We are moving on up...

Bird Girl shocked at us fitting not one but TWO bows in her hair...SHOCKED
Gnoshing on her bib, she was mad at me for timing her out into her jumper
Flying Bird Girl
Just hanging around
My little indecent fortune teller
Daddy and Bird Girl in the Master
Fireplace in the new living room...hopefully is nicer with furniture Kitchen view, without the black appliances
SOLD SOLD SOLD to the Birds

So we have officially bought our house. We take posession of it on Friday the 21st. We are PUMPED! Jon and I are so excited to be into our own place now and do out own thing. Shout out and thanks to all those who helped us get there. It is a 2009 duplex. 3 bedrooms, 1.5 bathrooms, hardwood floors and ceramic tile. The landscaping and deck and appliances were all included. There is an unfinished basement for us to develop which were a little nervous/excited about. We cannot wait to get into it, funny info, our posession date is acutally Bird Girl's 1st birthday so that night we are having a family supper picnic style before anything is moved in. Memorable! Anyways wanted to let people in on the buy and also post some pics of my kid.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Baby updates!!!

Hey family!!! (especially Aunty Nancy - you wanted more frequent pics)
So the 'Hinko' little folk are all growing and changing, really fast actually. The oldest cousin Jacey is using her little hands to reach for her parents and is loving her food lately, following it with her eyes, opening her mouth and grabbing her bib to lick it clean - totally funny/gross! She also scooted or sorta earthwormed across the beach towel at the kiddie pool last week, very exciting!!! Kingston is saying 'mom, mom, mom' and is really close to walking, they put the baby gate up recently - that kid is a whirlwind! Amelia is working on adding to her chin and thighs, she will be two months old this week. She coos, smiles, copies her dad when he sticks out his tongue and recently started reaching in jittery arm movements for her toy.

Classic Kingston smile, note the tight grasp Grandma Hinko has on the little man!

Jacey just hanging out in the cardboard fort!
Two month bear comparison! Checkout the chin(s)!!!
Hope you enjoy the pics!! ~Love Jenny

Raft trip with the Young Men

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Camilla's Blessing Day

Hello Everyone! Just thought I would post a few pictures of Cami's blessing. It was a really special day! We are so glad we could share it with family and friends! She is growing so quick! Mike and I feel really blessed to have her and are excited to see her grow and change.
Love always,
Addie, Mike&Camilla

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Walk of Hope for Ovarian Cancer

Hello everyone it's Graham, and it's my first post. I will keep this short. I am looking for sponsers for our team in the Winners Walk of Hope for Ovarian Cancer (my Sister and I will be participating). This is taking place Sept 13th, 2009. Any donations would be greatly appretiated for a cause as most of you know that is very close to my heart. Do not feel obligated in any way. I am providing the link to our website below were donations can be made (or you can call us for details), also to note they do send out tax reciepts.

Below is a picture of my Mom who is dealry missed and the reason why we care about the cure.


Graham Polischuk