Sunday, August 9, 2009

Baby updates!!!

Hey family!!! (especially Aunty Nancy - you wanted more frequent pics)
So the 'Hinko' little folk are all growing and changing, really fast actually. The oldest cousin Jacey is using her little hands to reach for her parents and is loving her food lately, following it with her eyes, opening her mouth and grabbing her bib to lick it clean - totally funny/gross! She also scooted or sorta earthwormed across the beach towel at the kiddie pool last week, very exciting!!! Kingston is saying 'mom, mom, mom' and is really close to walking, they put the baby gate up recently - that kid is a whirlwind! Amelia is working on adding to her chin and thighs, she will be two months old this week. She coos, smiles, copies her dad when he sticks out his tongue and recently started reaching in jittery arm movements for her toy.

Classic Kingston smile, note the tight grasp Grandma Hinko has on the little man!

Jacey just hanging out in the cardboard fort!
Two month bear comparison! Checkout the chin(s)!!!
Hope you enjoy the pics!! ~Love Jenny


The Hudkins Family said...

Thanks girls for the pictures. I love them. They are all growing so big. Please keep them coming when you can I do really appreciate them. Love You all so much.

PS....My request goes for the rest of the Hudkins great grand children's parents. Would love to see pics often of those wonderful children out there!!!!!!!!

Love You all
Auntie Nancy and Uncle Troy

The Hudkins Family said...

Yeah! Me too, I love all the pictures.

Looking for some more wedding pics too.