Monday, August 17, 2009

We are moving on up...

Bird Girl shocked at us fitting not one but TWO bows in her hair...SHOCKED
Gnoshing on her bib, she was mad at me for timing her out into her jumper
Flying Bird Girl
Just hanging around
My little indecent fortune teller
Daddy and Bird Girl in the Master
Fireplace in the new living room...hopefully is nicer with furniture Kitchen view, without the black appliances
SOLD SOLD SOLD to the Birds

So we have officially bought our house. We take posession of it on Friday the 21st. We are PUMPED! Jon and I are so excited to be into our own place now and do out own thing. Shout out and thanks to all those who helped us get there. It is a 2009 duplex. 3 bedrooms, 1.5 bathrooms, hardwood floors and ceramic tile. The landscaping and deck and appliances were all included. There is an unfinished basement for us to develop which were a little nervous/excited about. We cannot wait to get into it, funny info, our posession date is acutally Bird Girl's 1st birthday so that night we are having a family supper picnic style before anything is moved in. Memorable! Anyways wanted to let people in on the buy and also post some pics of my kid.


The Hudkins Family said...

nice house guys. we are very happ for you.

Love Jeanine and Cassidy

The Hudkins Family said...

We are anxious to see your house all finished. Congratulations and enjoy.

It is fun to see Jacey doing things she wasn't before. She is progressing by leaps and bounds. Good for you doing all the patterning. You are doing a wonderful job. We're proud of you. She is so precious.

Gramma & Grampa

The Hudkins Family said...

Hey guys, Nice place!! I can't believe how big and grown up Jacey is!! She looks great!
Mike, Addie&Cami

The Hudkins Family said...

What a great looking place. We are really happy for you guys. You will have alot of fun with your new place. Thanks for posting the pictures I always enjoy them. That girl of yours is getting so big I can't believe it.

Love always
Auntie Nancy and Uncle Troy

The Hudkins Family said...

Lots of nudie pics you guys!
Doesn't that poor girl ever get dressed? Ha Ha Ha
Gramma Charlene

Jon and Alyson said...

hey, hey, hey. It is easier to wipe the nasty off her bare body then to wash a billion loads of laundry...or I mean I'm not a bad mom!! hehe