Thursday, August 20, 2009

Baby Cami

Hey Everyone,
Thought I would post some more pics of the little girl! we are officially moved into Edmonton and have a new address and phone number. We are pretty excited! Mike starts school again pretty quick too. Life is busy and great! Camilla is growing too fast! She's now 11 lbs.... She's doing well and changing lots!
Love you all,
Addie, Mike&Cami


The Hudkins Family said...

Awesome pics you guys. We appreciate that you always post pics, it makes us feel a part of the growing babies lives.

Love you guys,

Auntie Nancy and Uncle Troy

The Hudkins Family said...

Love the pictures. Thank you. We're excited to have you in the city. Please call and give us your phone number.

Give Cami a hug for Great Gramma an one for Great Grampa.

Love you,
Gramma & Grampa

The Hudkins Family said...

I love the feet pictures. You are pretty creative!

The Hudkins Family said...

Luv those little tootsies!
She sure doesn't look like a newborn anymore - you can already see personality!
Auntie Charlene