Saturday, August 1, 2009

Walk of Hope for Ovarian Cancer

Hello everyone it's Graham, and it's my first post. I will keep this short. I am looking for sponsers for our team in the Winners Walk of Hope for Ovarian Cancer (my Sister and I will be participating). This is taking place Sept 13th, 2009. Any donations would be greatly appretiated for a cause as most of you know that is very close to my heart. Do not feel obligated in any way. I am providing the link to our website below were donations can be made (or you can call us for details), also to note they do send out tax reciepts.

Below is a picture of my Mom who is dealry missed and the reason why we care about the cure.


Graham Polischuk


The Hudkins Family said...

Louis & I will definitely sponsor you for the walk in memory of your mom. Is it similar to the one your sister Jen volunteered for in Calgary?
Luv, Charlene xxoo

The Hudkins Family said...

No that is the ride for hope which we are signed up for next year (200km bike ride in the mountains). This is in Edmonton downtown at one of the parks just to raise awarness and money for research (just walking around a park). My Mom actually participated last year.

The Hudkins Family said...

Graham, Grampa and I will sponsor you. I'll give you a call. Your mom was a great example to all of us.


The Hudkins Family said...

Graham we would be honored to sponsor you and your sister. We will try and do it through the website, if not we will give you a call

Love Always
Auntie Nancy and Uncle Troy

The Hudkins Family said...

Graham, our family will sponsor you also. This is something that is close to all of our hearts because it has touched yours so deeply.

Love Garth, Janene and family