Wednesday, August 26, 2009


Hi All,
So Grampa is #16 on the waiting list now. If the numbers go as they have been, it will probably be about late November that he will get his new cornea.

Elder Kikuchi will be doing a mission tour in September. This will be our claim to fame. Can you believe we already have four months done at the mission office? Time sure flies when you're living on the wild side like Grampa and I do.

We love all the pictures on the blog. Sure enjoy all the ones of the little half-pint people - also wedding pictures. I keep checking for American wedding pics. (Ahem - Pat & Heather)

Yes, Troy, I enjoyed your rafting one. Especially the story line.

Sure love you all.

Gramma & Grampa


The Hudkins Family said...

Which eye is it that they will do first again? Do you know what kind of recovery period is expected? That's not a fun way to get some days off! Met a lady from Texas at church on Sunday that said her mother had that surgery and she is in her 80's and did great with it and was seeing really well within two weeks! I believe you said it might take up to a year to be completely finished. She now has better than 20/20 vision and was really pleased with the results and wishes she had done it a long time ago!
Luv, Charlene xxoo

The Hudkins Family said...

I don't think he will have to be off work for very long at all, but the doctor said that it usually takes up to a year to heal completely. The success rate is really high. Dad can't wait to have it done.
