Sunday, January 31, 2010

Lookin' Good

Thought I should tell you all that Grampa is really lookin' good now. It was three months since his eye surgery and he was able to get his updated prescription on Friday. He is so delighted to be able to read the fine print on things and is even able to read the paper again without a magnifying glass. What a blessing to have these medical miracles happening.

As a matter of interest - I've been checking the sunrise/sunset times for Edmonton. Since Jan. 18th we have gained 20 minutes of daylight in the morning and 26 minutes in the evening -- YIPEE!! I always get anxious for daylight hours at this time of year.

Congratulations, Cal, on your promotion. Keep up the good work!

Love you all very much,
Gramma (and a sleeping Grampa)

Food for Thought

Perhaps the most valuable result of all education is the ability to make yourself do the thing you have to do, when it ought to be done, whether you like it or not.

Hey Everyone

Just wanted to drop a note to let you all know how we are doing.

Work is going well, we are pushing out 1 unit a day. Since I have been here we have built over 90 trailers. We are nearing the end of 18 units that are going to Suncor. It is going to be a 2 story office complex.

Cal has been promoted, he gets a raise and he starts training as a Baker tomorrow. He is very excited about that. Cal enjoyed his time visiting with the cousins and seeing everyone again. Graham thanx for the hockey game Cal talked about it a lot.

Love to all, Take care,


Thursday, January 28, 2010


I really like those success quotes. Even at my age, I can learn something from them.

Love you all very much.

What is everyone up to??


Tuesday, January 19, 2010

All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth....

Camilla has two bottom teeth now! You can only see one in the picture, but I thought it was funny that I actually got a shot of them!! Everyone is doing well, Mike is enjoying his new job, and I am loving spending time with Cami! Love you all,

Mars Sand Dunes - Astronomy Picture

Take a minute to check out the astronomy picture today, the Mars Sand Dunes. Very interesting!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Some Stuff

Wow! Can you believe it? Our Michael has FINALLY blogged!! (This is the Mike we lovingly called "big Mike" for so many years until our little Mike grew big (and now rivals Grampa!). Now to add to the confusion we inherited two other Mikes. We like Mikes and love you all.

Good to hear from you, Mike. What you didn't tell everyone was that you slept on a futon in a crowded little room with 6 inches of closet space. -- For everyone's information, Mike was a great boarder. He was in bed around 9:00 during the week. We never heard him get up and he always left everything spotless. We couldn't even tell that he had cooked and eaten breakfast. He did - fried eggs and all every morning. Michael eats very healthy and keeps in shape. This is one of the reasons (only ONE of the reasons) that he did so well getting on to the fire department. He is very dedicated and focused. Good job, Mike. You earned it and we are proud of you. It was fun getting to know Michael -- and now he knows Gramma & Grampa's funny little quirks.

We have had a busy week. We had 8 new missionaries arrive from the MTC. Others went home and so we had a good sized transfer, which is always a lot of work. We now have 3 senior missionary couples in our mission. They are working in Yellowknife, Dawson Creek and Edmonton. Tomorrow is zone conference in Red Deer. We are not going, but will be going to Edson on Saturday to pick up a mission vehicle. The weather should be good so we should have a nice drive.

Happy Birthday to everyone. I have been really remiss in sending out birthday cards. I feel pretty guilty about that, but I'm blaming it onto old age and busy-ness. That's my story and I'm sticking to it!!

We love you all very much. Grampa and I talk a lot about how lucky and blessed we are in our family. You are all the greatest. I so often wish that we could just all be in our living room together playing some kind of a game, laughing and having lots of fun. For me, having us all together and enjoying each other is a little bit of heaven here on earth.

O.K. I've rambled enough and Grampa just came by and gave me a kiss goodnight.

Love you all,

Mike's first post

It's overwhelming and awesome to be logged onto this blog finally. Overwhelming cause i could sit here for hours replying to posts. Awesome because i can sit here and learn so much about what's going on with our family. This was a great idea uncle! Gramma has mentioned to me more then a couple of times to hop on and let everyone know whats going with me. I'm pretty sure she's even showed me how to do it.
so recently i received some pretty ace two weeks time i'll be signing on the dotted line to be an Edmonton city Fire Fighter. Two years ago i lived with Gramma and Grandpa while i attended a 3 month fire training course (living with Gramma and Grandpa i would highly recommend everyone try at least once, its pretty awesome) after this course i applied for two years with edmonton and was accepted the second year. so if in anyone wants to find me i'll be in Edmonton. For the rest of my life hahaha. I'll be sure to hop on a little more often in the near future. Love everyone lots. Its great to read up on everyone!

love mike hudkins

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Happy Birthday CASSIDY

I wish all the best for you on your birthday, so quick after your anniversary. Hope that all your birthday wishes come true. I hope you and your wife have a great year this year. I can't wait until you guys come up here. I miss and love you both very much. Have a great day.

Love you,

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Happy Birthday Nancy

Babe you are the love of my life, my best friend and a wonderful mother to our children. I hope you have a very special day and enjoy all your favorite things on your birthday. I love you and miss you very much. The time is going by fast and our family will be together again soon.

All my love and kisses,


Wednesday, January 6, 2010

New Phone Number

I know some of you have my cell phone number, but I have a new home phone number it is 403-800-1717 You can call this number anytime, if I don't answer I have voice mail set up so you can leave messages.

Love you all (especially Nancy and the kids),


Monday, January 4, 2010

More Sad News

We have some more sad news to report:

On Sunday afternoon, Auntie Roxanne's sister Linda died of a massive heart attack. This poor family seems to be getting all the heartache at once. It has only been a month since losing Grampa Schneider. Please keep all of Roxanne & Brent's family and all the Schneider family in your prayers. How I wish I could be there, Roxanne, and wrap my arms around you and cry with you. We all love you so much. We are very thankful for the plan of salvation and for the knowledge that we can be together again.

Thank you, Jenny and Addie for the beautiful pictures. Amidst the sadness, those precious little people bring us hope and light - not to mention lots of smiles. They are all so cute. Thanks for sharing. We look forward to many many more pictures.

We are excited about having a family reunion and I would like to help out in any way I possibly can. Thank you, Jen, for taking the bull by the horns.

Lots of love to all,
Gramma ( & Grampa too)

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Christmas in Rocky

Hello Everyone!! Just thought I would take a few minutes and post some pictures of the munchkin and Christmas time. Mike has his first day of work tomorrow! He is very excited! They are flying him to Calgary for the week to do some training. Camilla and I have the house to ourselves for the week and plan to do some swimming. We spent Christmas in Rocky and enjoyed the time with family. It was nice to get away and visit!! Camilla is growing like a weed! She is sitting and eating big girl food now. We are enjoying the happy little girl that she is! We hope everyone had a fabulous Christmas! Love lots,
Addie, Mike and Camilla

Such a big girl now!

Christmas morning (5 a.m) Camilla couldn't sleep Christmas eve either!!)

Updated Hudkins fam pic

Daddy and Cami making funny faces for the camera

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Christmas Highlights and REUNION Plan!!!!

Fun times in our family!!! Christmas was wonderful, we really enjoyed our time together. It was great to see Uncle Troy and Cal, we can't wait to see the rest of the gang.
Speaking of - REUNION NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
MARK AUGUST LONG WEEKEND AS FAMILY TIME BECAUSE WE ARE HAVING A REUNION! The Troy Hudkins family should be settled by then and as of right now there are no weddings planned in our family for that weekend (that I know of). Exact details have yet to be determined, camping of somesort msg if you have any ideas.
Jacey's new chair- cuddling with her cousin Mia!

Mia on her vert first Christmas morning!

Kingston at West Edmonton Mall Waterpark - all of the Hinko cousins had fun!

Just a cute pic of my girl sporting one of her Christmas shirts.

Cal and Mia "Chin twins" Both have adorable dimples!!!
So don't forget to reserve the reunion weekend!!!
Love you all ~Jenny


I was just doing my calendar for 2010 and it looks like there are some birthdays that you haven't been given, Troy - Where is our genealogist?

Jan. 15th - Stan Clarke (66)
Stan received his first paycheque last year!
Jan. 18th - (sweet 16) Emma Hudkins
(Emma was the New Years baby in Rimbey hospital that year)
Jan. 25th - Janene Hudkins (our newest Gramma)

Happy Birthday all you January's.


Happy New Years (late again)

Sorry this one is a day late again but I worked yesterday and then went to a dinner with one of the guys I worked with. His mother invited me over because I fixed her furnace. She made a seven course meal that was to die for (she is Italian), Dave says every time they go to her place for dinner they have a meal like that. He kept telling me "pace yourself, don't take to much there's more coming". Well needless to say ,because I don't like food to much, I was stuffed. We started dinner at about 6:00 and by the time we finished it was 9:10, then she brought out dessert a half hour later. Anyway it was awesome.

I hope everyone had a good new year. All my best to you in the coming year and I hope that all the plans and resolutions that are made make a difference in your life.

Take care and God bless you all.
Especially the ones in the U.S.

Love Troy.

OK so I finally got the calender doing what I want it to do, sorry it took so long to get the birthdays on it that were sent to me. For those that haven't sent me dates, I'm sorry they are not on there, But I did ask for them 2 times. If you would like them put on please e-mail me at Thankyou again for all those who participate in the blog and make it a success.