Sunday, January 3, 2010

Christmas in Rocky

Hello Everyone!! Just thought I would take a few minutes and post some pictures of the munchkin and Christmas time. Mike has his first day of work tomorrow! He is very excited! They are flying him to Calgary for the week to do some training. Camilla and I have the house to ourselves for the week and plan to do some swimming. We spent Christmas in Rocky and enjoyed the time with family. It was nice to get away and visit!! Camilla is growing like a weed! She is sitting and eating big girl food now. We are enjoying the happy little girl that she is! We hope everyone had a fabulous Christmas! Love lots,
Addie, Mike and Camilla

Such a big girl now!

Christmas morning (5 a.m) Camilla couldn't sleep Christmas eve either!!)

Updated Hudkins fam pic

Daddy and Cami making funny faces for the camera


The Hudkins Family said...

So cute and growing way too fast.