Thursday, January 14, 2010

Mike's first post

It's overwhelming and awesome to be logged onto this blog finally. Overwhelming cause i could sit here for hours replying to posts. Awesome because i can sit here and learn so much about what's going on with our family. This was a great idea uncle! Gramma has mentioned to me more then a couple of times to hop on and let everyone know whats going with me. I'm pretty sure she's even showed me how to do it.
so recently i received some pretty ace two weeks time i'll be signing on the dotted line to be an Edmonton city Fire Fighter. Two years ago i lived with Gramma and Grandpa while i attended a 3 month fire training course (living with Gramma and Grandpa i would highly recommend everyone try at least once, its pretty awesome) after this course i applied for two years with edmonton and was accepted the second year. so if in anyone wants to find me i'll be in Edmonton. For the rest of my life hahaha. I'll be sure to hop on a little more often in the near future. Love everyone lots. Its great to read up on everyone!

love mike hudkins


The Hudkins Family said...

WOHOOOOOOO!!!! I am so excited for you kid. A big congrats, wonderful things are worth the wait! How exciting to be reaching your goal, enjoy it you've earned it!!! ~Love you lots Jenny

The Hudkins Family said...

Mike - what awesome news! We are so happy for you. It just goes to show that hard work and determination really do pay off - you set a goal and persevered until you reached it. You are a good example to all of your younger cousins and even us oldies!
Auntie Charlene xxoo

The Hudkins Family said...

Excellent job, Mike. It gives a person a boost to their self esteem when they are able to accomplish something and aslo to find the hard work pays off. Congratulations.

Uncle Brent and Auntie Rocky