Monday, January 4, 2010

More Sad News

We have some more sad news to report:

On Sunday afternoon, Auntie Roxanne's sister Linda died of a massive heart attack. This poor family seems to be getting all the heartache at once. It has only been a month since losing Grampa Schneider. Please keep all of Roxanne & Brent's family and all the Schneider family in your prayers. How I wish I could be there, Roxanne, and wrap my arms around you and cry with you. We all love you so much. We are very thankful for the plan of salvation and for the knowledge that we can be together again.

Thank you, Jenny and Addie for the beautiful pictures. Amidst the sadness, those precious little people bring us hope and light - not to mention lots of smiles. They are all so cute. Thanks for sharing. We look forward to many many more pictures.

We are excited about having a family reunion and I would like to help out in any way I possibly can. Thank you, Jen, for taking the bull by the horns.

Lots of love to all,
Gramma ( & Grampa too)


The Hudkins Family said...

Aunty Roxanne, All our love goes out to you and your family. We pray for you daily and hope that You know of the love that heavenly father has for you. Those who have passed on are going to do greater work on the other side and will be there with open arms when you go to meet them.

Take care and God bless,

Uncle Troy

Jon and Alyson said...

Oh Auntie Roxanne!! We sure love you so much and are sorry for the losses your family has had in the short time. May you feel comfort in the knowledge of the gospel. We love you lots! - The Birds