Thursday, January 14, 2010

Some Stuff

Wow! Can you believe it? Our Michael has FINALLY blogged!! (This is the Mike we lovingly called "big Mike" for so many years until our little Mike grew big (and now rivals Grampa!). Now to add to the confusion we inherited two other Mikes. We like Mikes and love you all.

Good to hear from you, Mike. What you didn't tell everyone was that you slept on a futon in a crowded little room with 6 inches of closet space. -- For everyone's information, Mike was a great boarder. He was in bed around 9:00 during the week. We never heard him get up and he always left everything spotless. We couldn't even tell that he had cooked and eaten breakfast. He did - fried eggs and all every morning. Michael eats very healthy and keeps in shape. This is one of the reasons (only ONE of the reasons) that he did so well getting on to the fire department. He is very dedicated and focused. Good job, Mike. You earned it and we are proud of you. It was fun getting to know Michael -- and now he knows Gramma & Grampa's funny little quirks.

We have had a busy week. We had 8 new missionaries arrive from the MTC. Others went home and so we had a good sized transfer, which is always a lot of work. We now have 3 senior missionary couples in our mission. They are working in Yellowknife, Dawson Creek and Edmonton. Tomorrow is zone conference in Red Deer. We are not going, but will be going to Edson on Saturday to pick up a mission vehicle. The weather should be good so we should have a nice drive.

Happy Birthday to everyone. I have been really remiss in sending out birthday cards. I feel pretty guilty about that, but I'm blaming it onto old age and busy-ness. That's my story and I'm sticking to it!!

We love you all very much. Grampa and I talk a lot about how lucky and blessed we are in our family. You are all the greatest. I so often wish that we could just all be in our living room together playing some kind of a game, laughing and having lots of fun. For me, having us all together and enjoying each other is a little bit of heaven here on earth.

O.K. I've rambled enough and Grampa just came by and gave me a kiss goodnight.

Love you all,