Saturday, January 2, 2010

Happy New Years (late again)

Sorry this one is a day late again but I worked yesterday and then went to a dinner with one of the guys I worked with. His mother invited me over because I fixed her furnace. She made a seven course meal that was to die for (she is Italian), Dave says every time they go to her place for dinner they have a meal like that. He kept telling me "pace yourself, don't take to much there's more coming". Well needless to say ,because I don't like food to much, I was stuffed. We started dinner at about 6:00 and by the time we finished it was 9:10, then she brought out dessert a half hour later. Anyway it was awesome.

I hope everyone had a good new year. All my best to you in the coming year and I hope that all the plans and resolutions that are made make a difference in your life.

Take care and God bless you all.
Especially the ones in the U.S.

Love Troy.

OK so I finally got the calender doing what I want it to do, sorry it took so long to get the birthdays on it that were sent to me. For those that haven't sent me dates, I'm sorry they are not on there, But I did ask for them 2 times. If you would like them put on please e-mail me at Thankyou again for all those who participate in the blog and make it a success.


The Hudkins Family said...

Thanks for the calendar Uncle Troy, and for your work on the blog.

Happy New Year Everyone.