Monday, April 26, 2010

More pics of the roadtrip

Oh, I guess I forgot to mention in the 1st roadtrip post, we went to Manitoba to pick up an airboat. Whats an Airboat you ask? Heres a picture!

3 generation roadtrip

We left Fort Mac @ 05:30 Friday morning. and arrived in Portage la Prairie @ about 12:00 midnight (alberta time). The LITTLE guy did very well and so did Jordan and Austin. Saturday Wayne took us for a demo at GULL Lake just north of Winnipeg, after which we closed the deal when I forked over the rest of the almost $30 thou. Then the long trip home started. You could tell the truck was labouring especially with a headwind (next item to be okayed by the BOSS will be a Lariat deisel 3/4 ton). We stopped @ Regina and spent the night. The go-cart trak and amusement place that I had taken Jordan and a few boys of his little league team, back in the mid 90's was closed down, so we kept going north to Lloydminster. Got back to the Mac @ 12:00 midnight. All were tired but had a safe and fun trip (the bum cheeks are sore though). These were longer days than Mom, Dad, Sylvia and I did to go to Pats wedding in Washington last summer.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Spring photoshoot!

So a big hello from the Polischuk's and a few pics to share!!!
We have been keeping busy, Graham is working a shutdown - the BIGGEST Shell Canada has ever done. So the guy works 13hrs a day and has one day off a week, boo not fun!!! But when doing anything difficult we must 'begin with the end in mind' so June will bring Amelia's first birthday and the summer will bring some fun stuff. In the meantime the Polischuk ladies go to our Baby/Momma groups, hang with our cousins/sisters and keep busy.
A friend is trying to build her photography portfolio so needed a model, the results were stunning. Lovely model of course!!!! But stunning pictures! Enjoy!!!
P.S. Have a lead on a location for our reunion, hope to have a visit this week to confirm that it suits our needs. Stay tuned.

Love you ~ the Polischuk's

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Spring is here! (maybe)

This was taken Saturday April 10th.
This was taken April 17th.
What a difference one week can make! I was away in Barrhead while we had this snow storm. I am so glad I missed it! Work is keeping me busy but I am really enjoying it. I am 2nd Counsellor in Young Women so I am keeping pretty busy with my calling as well. I am so glad that spring is here...can't wait to get my hands dirty in the garden! Hope everyone is doing well. I am really looking forward to our family reunion this summer. Take care and love to all.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

The Russians are coming!!

I apologize for not BLOGGING more often (Gramma gave me heck) so I will give you an small update as to what I've been up to. After we came back from the Dominican Republic I started e-mailing Sergey. We met him and his wife, Mary, at the Tokjo restaurant (yes they spell it that way in the Dominican). He has 2 sons Pavel and Roman, Natalya is Romans wife and they just had a baby. Sorry, I can't remember if it is a girl or boy. (So , a man does not remember important things like that). I don't know Pavel's girlfriends name. In the top picture is Pavel
but I don't know who the blonde girl is, but she sure likes to pose for the camera. Sergey and Pavel talk to me on Skype, It is very interesting and educational to talk to him and his son. Pavel plays guitar very good and they both sing very good.
I'll let Roxanne give an update on other highlights, if I can talk her into it!!!!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Life is a JOURNEY, not a CAMP.

We've got a mover and a shaker!

My Big Walkin Girl
Kingston "helping" his cousin go for a stroll
Tasting her soother, as always
Yelling at Mommy outside while BBQing
Being a silly little Bird Girl

Well the Bird Girl is now on the move thanks to her handy-dandy pony walker. What is a pony walker you ask? Well it is a special piece of equipment that helps special needs kids move around on their own. We are pretty excited to have gotten one from the Glenrose Hospital for Jacey. She is really enjoying it. Albeit for the first few days I could pretty much count on her to be in the EXACT same position that I left her in whilst running around doing things but now....she rolls backwards! Hehe I know that this sounds funny, moving backwards only but we're pumped over least she moves. She isn't so much doing the one foot at a time movement but a bounce her legs up somewhat and propel herself backwards. She also tips her head waaaaay back to see where she is's pretty hilarious! My kid is a goofball. Anyways I'll leave you with a lil' pic to tide you over. Enjoy the mover and shaker!! Love The Bird Crew

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Common Sense Tips

Today I went to the medi center. The doctor gave me three things to do that are really common sense but I have never been told before to do them. They are such good suggestions, I thought I should share.

1. When taking antibiotic - eat yogurt during that period of time to counteract the possibility of yeast infection (also known as thrush)

2. When beginning antibiotic, buy a new toothbrush. After 10-14 days, which is the usual time for taking antibiotic - get another new toothbrush or at least pour boiling water over you other one to disinfect it, so as not to reinfect yourself.

3. Five times during each day, take a really deep breath through the nose and hold it for 5 seconds before exhaling through the mouth. This is a good for the lungs.

Neat, huh? All three suggestions make sense.

I hope you all enjoyed conference. Sorry I didn't get points posted. I didn't really watch too much of it and the notes from what I did watch are not too clear. I'm anxious to get the Ensign so I can read the talks.

We've had a very busy week. New missionaries, transfers and zone conferences.

Love to you all,
Gramma & Grampa

Oh yes - Grampa hasn't called to see where he stands for his next cornea transplant, but we know he has a really long time still to wait.

Easter with Mom and Dad

Well Cal and I went to Mom and Dads for Easter weekend. We had a good time, taking Mikel to the Oil Barons game on the Friday night. We got to visit with some of the girl cousins and see their little people too (Aunty can't wait to get up here and get to know those little spirits). She is looking forward to babysitting them in June. The trip back went well and Mom sent us home with pea soup and ham (which did not last long once we got home).

Mom and Dad, I want to thank you for being who you are and teaching us the lessons in life,and for being there for us at all times and giving us the strength and support we need to make it through.

We enjoy our time with you and are looking forward to more times together.

Lots of love, Troy

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Happy Birthday Addie,

Hope its a good one.

Cass, Jeanine and TBA