Monday, April 19, 2010

Spring photoshoot!

So a big hello from the Polischuk's and a few pics to share!!!
We have been keeping busy, Graham is working a shutdown - the BIGGEST Shell Canada has ever done. So the guy works 13hrs a day and has one day off a week, boo not fun!!! But when doing anything difficult we must 'begin with the end in mind' so June will bring Amelia's first birthday and the summer will bring some fun stuff. In the meantime the Polischuk ladies go to our Baby/Momma groups, hang with our cousins/sisters and keep busy.
A friend is trying to build her photography portfolio so needed a model, the results were stunning. Lovely model of course!!!! But stunning pictures! Enjoy!!!
P.S. Have a lead on a location for our reunion, hope to have a visit this week to confirm that it suits our needs. Stay tuned.

Love you ~ the Polischuk's


The Hudkins Family said...

What beautiful pictures, Jen. But then,like Great Gramma Christena said "If they don't turn out it sure won't be the subject's fault." Too cute - and your photographer friend did a great job. Mila is a beautiful subject. She did a good job. I love the first one with the flower.

Thank you for sharing them with us.

We look forward to hearing if the place for the family reunion is suitable.

Love you,
Gramma & Grampa

Jon and Alyson said...

My neice rocks! What a cute bum chin, and her model skills are awesome. hehe We just love that tiny girl alot...and you guys too. Pumped for reunion!!

Love, The Birds

The Hudkins Family said...

Love the pictures Jenny they are great. Thanks for keeping us updated with them. We are looking forward to having the girls for the wedding. We could add a Boy to the mix to if he wanted to come!!!! Hint Hint!!!!!
Love Ya Auntie Nancy

The Hudkins Family said...

Beautiful pics Jenny!

Uncle Brent