Saturday, April 10, 2010

Common Sense Tips

Today I went to the medi center. The doctor gave me three things to do that are really common sense but I have never been told before to do them. They are such good suggestions, I thought I should share.

1. When taking antibiotic - eat yogurt during that period of time to counteract the possibility of yeast infection (also known as thrush)

2. When beginning antibiotic, buy a new toothbrush. After 10-14 days, which is the usual time for taking antibiotic - get another new toothbrush or at least pour boiling water over you other one to disinfect it, so as not to reinfect yourself.

3. Five times during each day, take a really deep breath through the nose and hold it for 5 seconds before exhaling through the mouth. This is a good for the lungs.

Neat, huh? All three suggestions make sense.

I hope you all enjoyed conference. Sorry I didn't get points posted. I didn't really watch too much of it and the notes from what I did watch are not too clear. I'm anxious to get the Ensign so I can read the talks.

We've had a very busy week. New missionaries, transfers and zone conferences.

Love to you all,
Gramma & Grampa

Oh yes - Grampa hasn't called to see where he stands for his next cornea transplant, but we know he has a really long time still to wait.