Sunday, April 18, 2010

Spring is here! (maybe)

This was taken Saturday April 10th.
This was taken April 17th.
What a difference one week can make! I was away in Barrhead while we had this snow storm. I am so glad I missed it! Work is keeping me busy but I am really enjoying it. I am 2nd Counsellor in Young Women so I am keeping pretty busy with my calling as well. I am so glad that spring is here...can't wait to get my hands dirty in the garden! Hope everyone is doing well. I am really looking forward to our family reunion this summer. Take care and love to all.


The Hudkins Family said...

Louis likes to say very sarcastically "That's why we love to live in northern Alberta!"
The guys on his shift tell everyone that we have ten months of good ski-dooing and two months of not so good ski-dooing here. Somehow it's not so funny when we get a spring storm like that.

The Hudkins Family said...

Seriously not cool, or actually it was enough to make snow!!!!! (I know Jenny is so funny) Good idea to take the pics to compare. So excited that you are in YW Auntie, enjoy the girls. It is such a fun/busy calling, they will love you! ~Jenny

The Hudkins Family said...

Yeah - I used to hate when the weatherman told us it would be partly cloudy and then the next morning we had to shovel the partly cloudy off the driveway. Not fun. Good planning to be away at that time. Brent had all the fun.

We're excited about the family reunion too.

Love you,
Gramma & Grampa

Jon and Alyson said...

What a crazy weather difference! I am happy to be in the "not so north" of Alberta. =)
Love, The Birds