Thursday, July 22, 2010

1 week until the BIG weekend folks....duh the REUNION!!!

So guys just a few more tidbits of info to share:

* Directions can be found through the link We'll have a sign on the road.
* The site has a massive shelter with open sides, the picnic tables are underneath so bring camping table cloths if you have any - we have a few! Of course camp chairs for around the fire.
* There are 2 BBQs (Jenny will bring propane forthem), if you have a camp stove please bring it. Especially if the meal your family is planning requires one (Jenny has one stove). Some things can be cooked over the fire though!!!
* We have some people bringing table games and other fun games but if your family is fond of anything in particular bring it! Cards...ahum Uncle Troy!!!!
* We have to bring in our own firewood. Uncle Garth is bringing some but if anyone else has stuff to burn bring it!
* There is a creek and this is a functioning farm so bring BUG SPRAY!
* Grandma bought some plates and supplies from Costco but if you have camping gear;
ie. plastic plates n stuff please bring them....we HAVEN'T bought for everyone, for the entire weekend....we are hoping we've bought enough for Saturday night and then a bit extra for those who might not have supplies of their own!
*On Sunday morning Alyson and I have responsibilities at church which we need to attend to and are planning on going from 10-1. However, back at camp Grandma and Grandpa will be heading up a devotional for those who are staying there. ;)
* Remember your own water is important...huge flat a good price at Walmart!

Ok family thanks for your patience, help and excitement. Please don't hesitate to call me if you have any questions. Totally post if something big is missing that we haven't covered. The more minds thinking about the weekend, the less likely we are to overlook something. Cheers and Hugs!! ~Jenny