Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Reunion Countdown!

Start packing for Friday July 30th- Monday August 2nd then drive your car to (Just north of Edmonton)!!!


* we need to bring our own water, for cooking and drinking
* hoping each little family can bring some type of snack food to share, either a pan of squares, a container of cookies or a watermelon...a snack to share with the masses throughout the bought is ok too!
* breakfast and supper will be provided (Charlene-Friday Supper, Brent-Sat Breakfast, Grandma/Sylvia-Sat Supper, Garth-Sun Breakfast, Troy-Sun Supper, Leftovers-Mon Breakfast) BUT LUNCH is on your own, so bring lunch supplies for your little family Please arrange a switch if this doesn't work for you!!!!
* Saturday afternoon swimming- we've booked the swimming pool is Fort Saskatchewan so bring your swim suit if you'd like to participate
* Saturday night we'll be honouring Grandpa Hudkins who turns 75 this year ( in May actually) this evenings dinner will be at the Fort Sask Chapel. We've booked the gym so can put up tables and use the kitchen.
* Also Saturday night we have a photographer coming to do a group shot, if you'd like individual family pics contact Jenny asap

Please ask your family to check this post or pass along the info.

I'm looking to confirm numbers so please contact Jenny to let me know who from your family will be there. Auntie Sylvia is sewing some goodies so we really need to know who will be attending, thanks!!!!

Looking forward to it! Love you all ~Addie, Alyson, Leslie & Jenny


The Hudkins Family said...

Good job planning, ladies. Thankyou.

Does it matter what time we get there on Friday?

Grampa & I will be there! Thanks for all your work.

The Hudkins Family said...

hey jenny id love to have individual photos ofme and my lady done is that possible?

The Hudkins Family said...

The last comment I don't know who posted it?? Who are you? Please msg me again here or on Facebook. The photographer is up for doing how ever many individual shots we would like. ~Jenny