Sunday, July 4, 2010

Graduation celebration

Hey family! So I was fortunate enough to have graduated last week (SHOCKING!). It was pretty awesome, so here's a few pics to prove it!

Mom and Dad got my face put on a cake, I though it was pretty sweet!

I was voted to do the salute to the teachers at the ceremonies.


Before grad my beautiful date and I went out to the lake and got a few photos taken by Emma. Didnt she do a great job!

Well... Arland is a man of few words!

Janene and I are so excited for Arland and were also very happy that gramma and grampa and all his brothers and sisters were able to be home to share in his high school graduation. It worked out very well as Mike was on days off from his new job with the city of Edmonton Fire and Chris was also able to join us as he has weekends off from his job with the city of St. Albert. As you read in Gramma's Comments, she and grampa were chauffeured by Mike and Chris, it was just nice to have the boys able to catch a ride with them! (That way they couldn't get into any trouble on there way here or on there way back home). It was also great to have Mike4 and Addie and Camilla with us to share in Arland's Grad. Camilla is alot of fun now that she is toddling around. Thank you Mike and Addie for putting your wedding anniversary on hold for Arland's Grad!

Arland's prom escort is Madison Hatch, she has such a beautiful personality and of course by the pictures you can see she is also very pretty. Her father is in the stake young men's presidency and is a wealth of information when it comes to cave exploring and repelling. (we hope to have our ventures certified for rope repelling by the end of this summer).

As Arland stated, he and Emilie Train gave the salute to the teachers, they both did an excellent job! Arland was well respected by all the teachers and by his peers in West Central High. This shows by how they treat him and by the many comments I have received from peers and teachers alike these past several years.

The weather was co-operative for the grad weekend and Janene did a wonderful job at feeding us all. Arland had a group of church friends from Red Deer over for the weekend and they stayed up all night partying. What a nice group of YM and YW, some returned missionaries and some prepareing to go on mssions... and a few girls scopeing out both.

We are excited for Arland as he has now entered a new phase in his life. He is currently working for Husky Oil for the summer (saving as much money as he can) he then plans on going to Edmonton in September to work. He will be spending the next ten months preparing for his mission the plan is to be in the mission field in less than a year! Hard to believe!

Wellllll I don't want to be a blog hog sooooo by for now!
Love Garth


The Hudkins Family said...

It was a good weekend and Arland was a handsome grad. I love the picture of him with his siblings.

Thanks for posting.
PS: How was the camping weekend?

The Hudkins Family said...

Congratulations Arland! Thanks for sharing the pics...they are all great! Good job Emma!

Auntie Roxanne

The Stannix's said...

Emma, You did a fabulous job taking pics of Arland and his date!! They are gorgeous!! Love you Arland, and congrats!!

The Hudkins Family said...

You guys can be blog hogs anytime as we love to see pictures, especially from Rocky Mountain House. Congratulations Arland - well done!
Auntie Charlene xxoo

The Hudkins Family said...

Woot, woot kid!!! Enjoy every second of this new phase in life. Congrats! ~Jenny