Thursday, July 15, 2010

Bossy Cousin REUNION news!!

A few updates:

So guys upon thinking about our family picture I would like everyone to wear white shirts!! I'm thinking it will look uniform and accentuate the people and the setting. I know it's a bit bossy but what did you expect from me?! :P The pool is booked from 4-5pm and pictures will take place right we'll have individual family photos first(those who've requested them) as we gather the masses for the group shot. We're hoping to have all the pictures wrapped up and eat at 7pm.

Also I will be at the site by 4 o'clock Friday so whenever you want to start rolling in I'll be there. Check the link I've previously posted for directions.

Thanks guys!! ~Jenny


The Hudkins Family said...

Jenny - what is the location of the family pictures? Are they being done at the church in Fort Saskatchewan?

The Stannix's said...

I think Jenny told me near a river. In a park/valley type outdoorsy setting...I think...