Thursday, October 28, 2010

Fondant Making Tips

I made my first batch of fondant today.  It turned out great, but I thought if some of you are planning on doing it at home I should give you a few tips that I realized while I was doing mine and that were missing from the recipe.

*  BE SURE to use a Heavy pot.  (I made a double batch and used my pressure cooker because it is the heaviest pot I own.)

*  Be sure the pot is well buttered before measuring your ingredients into it.

*  STIR CONSTANTLY - only until mixture starts boiling.  I used the medium heat on my stove.  If your heat is too high, your fondant will burn.

*  DO NOT STIR while it is boiling.  Do not be impatient.  This is not a quick process.

*  To check for soft ball stage, dip spoon into boiling mixture (without stirring).  Take a spoonful out and drop mixture into cold water.  Work it with your fingers.  It needs to stay together in a soft ball.  The ball needs to be a fairly firm soft ball, not one that will easily fall apart. 

NOTE:  Even if you are using a candy thermometer, do the cold water check.  Not all candy termometers are accurate.

At the end, you plop the butter into the mixture and without stirring or shaking, allow it to cool to about your body temperature.  I always wash my hands really well and stick my finger straight down the middle of the mixture.  DO NOT STIR IT.  Just put your finger straight down and straight up. 

When it is the right temperature, you can start working it.  Once you start, do not stop before it has turned.  This will take at least 20 minutes.  Keep the mixture moving. If you stop part way through, your fondant will turn sugary and will need to be re-cooked.

I hope the above is helpful.  Every year I need to do a trial run and try to remember all the little tricks. 

Chocolate making together will be fun.

Love to all,