Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Happy Anniversary

Happy Anniversary you two love birds. I hope that your day is filled with much joy and that you can spend time reminiscing about the years that you have been together, that you can dig up all the good memories and great times that you have had. It is wonderful to have parents as loving and kind as you to set such a great example for us to follow. I have tried to model my relationship with my Bride after your example.

Keep on Truckin'  through the years.

Love you both,   Troy and Nancy


Jon and Alyson said...

Happy Anniversary Gramma and Grampa! We love you alot and you do set such a great example of love and devotion and service for us younger folk to follow! Love you, The Bird Crew

The Hudkins Family said...

Thank you for the good wishes. This morning Grampa said "We've made it through this far, we can do anything!"

Truth is, I lucked out when I got Grampa.

Love you all,