Tuesday, October 19, 2010


We got a POSITIVE pregnancy test!!! Sooooooo this is going to happen again! Woot woot!!!!
Can you believe the Polischuk's get to have another baby?!  We feel so blessed and are super excited that Amelia gets to have a sibling.  Kinda cool that we are taking this adventure along side the Stannix clan again.  These wee folk must have wanted to head down together. Anyway we are thrilled and are expecting TBA II in early June possibly around the 8th. Stay tuned, this is fairly new but wanted to share our joyous news with those we love so dearly!

Love Graham, Jenny, Amelia & TBA II


Alison said...

Oh, Jenny, I am just sooooo happy for you guys!!!! It was good to chat with you last week. Hope the morning sickness hasn't hit yet!

The Stannix's said...

We are thrilled for you guys!! Mike says he's surprised at how big Jenny looks for only a few months ;). Love Lots! xo

The Hudkins Family said...

Congratulations! We are delighted to have #16.

Love always,
Gramma & Grampa

PaHa said...


Auntie and I are happy and excited for you guys. It is awesome.
Like she said, now your body knows what to do.

Love you guys,

Uncle Troy and Auntie Nancy
(and Kenzer)

Jon and Alyson said...

WAHOO sooo excited to expand the "Hinko" clan! Cannot wait to meet TBA numero 2. Congrats, we love it! Love, The Birds

The Hudkins Family said...

Congrats! We are so excited to hear the great news!

Love always,
Brandon & Barb