Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Update from Aaron & Chelsey!!

Hello Family!

It's been a while since we blogged, so thought we would give an update. Aaron is FINALLY working in Red Deer! YAY! It's so great to have him home everynight. He is working for a company called DFI, and so far he is enjoying it. He is also going to Red Deer College, taking his 4th class power engineering course, so he has been very busy. Life has been hectic lately with so much going on, but we are so happy with life and blessed for the good things coming our way.

Brooke has started Grade 2 this year. She is doing so well in school and we are very proud. Time sure flys! She is now back living in Fort McMurray.

We spent Thanksgiving camping at Chelsey's Aunty's farm near Boyle.. and we got some fall pics done, so we thought we would share a few..along with some pictures from Brooke's very first concert.. Chelsey took her to......  JUSTIN BIEBER.. she was so excited.

Hope everyone is doing well .....

Aaron & Chelsey


We always have to get a goofy picture :)

Brooke rockin' her new T-Shirt!!

Brooke & Keisha patienly waiting for Justin Beiber to show up...


Jon and Alyson said...

Great pics guys! I bet you girls were beyond excited for Justin Beiber...and I bet Brooke and Keisha were almost as excited! =)

The Hudkins Family said...

Seriously awesome and concert look great guys!!! Hugs ~The Polischuk's

The Hudkins Family said...

Luv the pictures! Good on you for dloing the school thing, Aaron
Auntie Charlene

The Hudkins Family said...

Congratulations on your new job, Aaron. It is way better to be working from home and even better that you can attend college. Keep up the good work!

Justin Bieber concert! Wow! A great memory for the girls. Good for you, Chelsey.
Gramma & Grampa

The Hudkins Family said...

great photos, and i was at the concert and let me just say i think chelsey was more excited then the girls hahah! It was a blast!

krisina :D