Saturday, October 2, 2010

Pics n Plans!

Wohoo our family reunion pics are finally done!  The lighting that day was SUPER tricky so there are lots of shadows but she did get some good ones.  The above is my fav group shot.  Each child of Grandma and Grandpa plus Auntie Sylvia will get a cd, you can then copy for your individual family members as you wish.

On another note, Chocolate Making update....we are hoping Grandma will post her fondant recipe with any tips, if you are interested in trying the recipe at home to then bring and dip on Saturday please post the flavour you plan to try in comment section of this post, thus no duplicates.  Grandma and I will be making a couple of batches ahead of time as well.  The dipping is really the part where we can use more adult hands. Also please save any pieces of cardboard, roughly the size of a cookie sheet.  These will be used to place the dipped chocolates on until they set,we need a lot of them.  As well, please check out your dollar stores for small cups (like mini cupcake papers) to place chocolates in and 'pretty' boxes to put finished products into.  Just a hint you will love the chocolates so much that the smaller the better and only a single layer high.   I will be getting the good Chocolate and Grandma has saved some great boxes, we do have some supplies but need more.  We will also sqaure up the cost at the end of the weekend for chocolate and fondant supplies so keep track of what you spend.  We will be dipping Saturday November 13th at my house in Fort Sask. 
Grandma is there anything else you can think of???
Woot, woot!! Looking forward to it.  Hugs ~Jenny & Auntie Charlene


The Hudkins Family said...

Thanks, Jenny - That's quite a crew!