Thursday, March 17, 2011

72 Hour Emergency Kit

Today I decided we should update our 72 hour kits.  It is amazing how much updating needs to be done.  The following is what we looked at:
*  Do the clothes still fit?
*  Bottled water needed updating
*  Food needed updating
*  Contact telephone numbers needed updating
* Photocopies of ID needed updating (passport, Drivers License, Credit cards,
   medical cards etc. etc.) 
*  Medications needed updating

Why do I share this with you??
Because I would ask each one of you to update your kits.  If you don't have one, please make one.  We have ours just in a backpack so it is easy to carry.  I keep thinking of the lady I saw who was rescued in a canoe.  There is no way she could have carried a big tub of stuff.  If each person has a backpack, they can easily carry the essentials to exist for 72 hours.

Love you all,
Gramma & Grampa

PS:  The other day we went to the Wild Bird General Store and bought feed called "Scratch" to try and entice the grouse to stick around -- We haven't seen them since the day before we bought the food!!


PaHa said...

This is a good thing Mom and Dad. Nancy and I have food storage but we don't have 72 hour kits. With all the current events going on in the world today we best be prepared. It is a sign of the times.

Love you guys and see you in a few days. Looking forward to spending some time with Dad. Maybe we ca go and wash the car or something. haha


The Hudkins Family said...

Thanks for the 72 hour kit reminder Mom. Janene has been working on ours and re evaluating what to put in them.

Love Garth