Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Much Needed Photos ;)

Thought we put some photos up since we haven't in awhile.
Been pretty busy with the 3!! We have our home up for sale and we are on the hunt for a new home, since this place isn't big for us all its time for a bigger one, its very exciting and cross your fingers with us that we get a buyer! Everyone is doing well, Keisha is doing so well in school and is now losing her teeth which she is very happy for! Austin is doing so well in school to he now knows how to spell and write his name he is so looking forward to his birthday in may haha. Mason is growing like crazy, he will be 3 months old this month, time is going by so fast! As for us were doing well, were getting more sleep so thats a plus haha. Hope all is well for everyone. Now on to some photos!!!
hanging out with bizkit

model in training
dont you just want to pintch them chubby cheeks!

love Jordan Kristina Keisha Austin Mason xoxo


PaHa said...

They are the cutest little people! They are getting so big. Thank you for posting these great pictures, we love to see them. We hope that your house sells quickly.

Auntie Nancy Uncle Troy

The Hudkins Family said...

Very exciting for you. Hope your house sells and that you find one you like.

Cute little people. We are getting anxious to see you all again. Thanks for sharing the pictures.

Gramma & Grampa

Jon and Alyson said...

They are getting so very big! Thanks for the shots guys. - Alyson