Monday, March 28, 2011

Quality Uncle Time

This passed weekend Camilla got to spend some quality time with her "Un-toe Mut" and her "Un-toe Kees". Some of the family was able to go for dinner to celebrate "Mut's" birthday. It was fun for Camilla to sit between her two uncles and dinner and enjoy some quality time with them. I'm thinking the name's she's assigned them will stick! 

We are all doing well and counting down the last month until baby Stannix arrives. It's fun to see Camilla play with her dolls and I can't wait to see what she will be like as a big sister!

Check out the link if you want to hear about our little snorter.



The Hudkins Family said...

Yes!! I like Mut & Kees too. In fact, I LOVE Mut & Kees. What a nice picture of the three of them. Thanks for sharing, Addie. We are waiting for baby Stannix too.

Gramma & Grampa