Friday, March 4, 2011

All Settled

Well, the Stannix's are all settled in! We are enjoying our new home very much. The sunshine has been great! It's been a while since I haven't had to turn a light on in the house during the day! Gone are our basement suite days...They were good, but we are glad to be above ground finally! We even have a little garage in the back for our car! It's been great! Lately it's been too cold to go outside much, but Camilla and I enjoy sitting on the couch in the afternoon, soaking up the sun, and watching Daddy come off the bus from school.

In other news, Camilla got her very first pet the other day from her Nana. She was super excited and picked up the tank right away. Poor little fish. She settled on the name "Nemie" after Daddy suggested Nemo. It sits on our kitchen table and Camilla likes to watch it swim while she eats. In the morning we feed it and watch it. Camilla waves goodbye all the time and says "Bye Bye....(pause)...fishhhh". It's a lot of fun watching her.

The other morning, she even gave her fish a kiss! We're on day two and little Nemie is still alive. The fishy has been saved from little fingers in the tank, and being pulled off the table a couple of times. Camilla is obsessed with feeding it. This is going to be one fat fish... Curious to see how long it will live!

That's all from us for now! Love you all!!


PaHa said...

I Love this last picture it is priceless! Hope she has a lot of fun with her new friend. Love Ya
Auntie Nancy and Uncle Troy

The Hudkins Family said...

Cami's Grampa (Garth) always loved his fish. He could see personalities in each one of them. All I could ever see is fish swimming around. When Troy was Camilla's age we had a fish bowl with a goldfish in it. I had it on top of the piano to keep it safe - I thought. One day the fish was missing. I found it in the dustbunnies behind the piano. I washed it off and put it back into the bowl and it swam away. Our climber - Troy - had climbed all the way to the top of the piano to play with it. Poor fish!

Cute pictures! Enjoy your sunny new home. Thanks for sharing

Gramma & Grampa

The Hudkins Family said...

Cute pictures. She sure seems fascinated with the fish. She sure is growing fast. Soon she'll have a little sibling to play with. Looking forward to the new additions to the clan.

Uncle Brent