Monday, March 28, 2011

!!!!!!!Mission Call!!!!!!!!

Hey family! Arland here! Today around 5:30 I got a text from Mom telling me that there was a surprise in the mail. Apparently it was a white envelope for an Elder Arland William Hudkins. I was super pumped! So when Dad got home from work I opened it instantly and read where I am going on my mission! 

*Drum roll please*

I have been called to serve in the Chile, Santiago West Mission! The day I report is on Wednesday June 29, 2011 to the Provo MTC and I will be preaching the gospel in Spanish! 

I am so very grateful for this opportunity to be a representative of Christ and serve by spreading the gospel message to all those who are ready to accept. I am thankful for all of your support and look forward to doing the work of the Lord.

Love you all

-Elder  Hudkins


polischuk said...

Ahhhhhhh soooo excited for you!! Graham and I know the influence missionaries can have, what a blessing you will be to many lives. Congrats!!! Love you cousin! ~Graham, Jenny, Mia & TBA II

The Hudkins Family said...

We are so excited and proud. You are the first in our family. Keep focused and you will have a wonderful mission.

Thanks for including us in the opening of your call. It was a wonderful experience for us.

With love and pride,
Gramma & Gramps

The Hudkins Family said...

Awesome Arland! That's really COOL! It's going to be neat to hear of your experiences and see the blessings that will touch your life and your families life by the decision of serving the people of Chile and the Lord. Congratulations. I'm envious.

Uncle Brent and Auntie Roxy

Jon and Alyson said...

Arland, that is rad! So excited for you to learn Spanish and teach others about the church. Congrats Sir!! - Love, The Birds

The Hudkins Family said...

Arland, so-o-o cool! Congrats to you. You will do well. Can't wait to hear your testimony in Spanish. Do you have a Spanish Book of Mormon, yet?
Auntie Charlene