Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Handsome features

 While I was handing out permits at work about a month ago. This Gentleman showed up at my "window". His name is Gordon Schabert and is Gramma Hudkins cousin. You will notice he has the same facial features as Uncle Troy (at least it's obvious to me).
So...... is there any doubt as to what side of the family Uncle Troy gets his handsome features from??!! I think not!

Which brings to mind. We can't tease him about being adopted any more. LOL.

Uncle Brent

P.S. There is nothing wrong with being adopted in the first place.


Garth said...

Hmmmm... maybe I am the one that is adopted. Well, there is no doubt Troy is handsome. It is really exciting to run into family! Nice post Brent.

The Hudkins Family said...

Notice the hair! There is no balding in the Schabert genes. This is where Erna and I, Troy & Charlene get all the hair from...and not too much grey eaither. Nice pictures.

Thanks for posting this, Brent.

Love always,
Mom (Gramma)