Saturday, August 20, 2011

Summer Camping and Fishing

This past month was quite fun camping at Pigeon lake, then Gregoire lake and fishing on the Clearwater. Here are some pictures.

The kids had fun on the beach and swimming.

The adults had fun watching the kids having fun.

At camp, Chelsey was practicing holding children.

Aaron fishing on Pigeon Lake.

This is the whole far.

Belly Bumps

Marcus got to drive the boat.

RULE No. 1:  We don't go to shore unless you have to do some paperwork!

Mikels first fish! Woo-hoo!!

Marcus's first fish! RIGHT ON!

Marcus going for a cruise with Grampa.

Wading in the Clearwater River. Yep I got a slight burn.

Uncle Garth and I went camping up the Clearwater. Had a great time together. Garth got to drive the boat. We had a bear ransack the camp and made off with the Hamburger/Hotdog buns and the Honey Nut Cheerios.

Garth and I caught a few fish.

But I caught the BIGGEST one! (on Canadian Tire junk no less).

We saw a bear swimming accross the river while we fished. He was oblivious to us. We watched as he did chinups to an overhanging tree and eat grubs or maggotts from it. Pretty cool! We saw 4 bears and some deer and  a couple of  bald eagles. It was a great three days.

Hope you enjoy the pics and video,

Uncle Brent


The Hudkins Family said...

You guys are having way too much fun! I love the belly bumps, the family picture and wonder who the heck is the guy with the white beard?

Looks like you made some great memories. Thanks for sharing Brent.

Gramma & Grampa

Herry Johnson said...

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