Saturday, December 17, 2011

New updates of shauna,cal and family/friends

sorry for not posting sooner but i have been busy working like a dog.
Im loving my new job with Superior Fire Control and shauna is loving hers at ALS labs.
we have been keeping busy and working hard and trying to keep up with the animals
and hobbys on the side.
We hope all of you out there (Family,friends and all others that follow our blog)
a very merry christmas and a happy new year love you all.
and now some pictures to share =)
more pictures of my job and shop to come from my mom

keep an eye out for all the faces us hudkins are known for!

 Mr. Mini Kouper and I at my graduation party.

 receiving my certificate
also check that funny hudkins face.

loving i know!

 Program director Judy

one big thank you to Judy

 cass was to excited for me.
he is making yet another hudkins face

touching moment cass cried
and jeanine laughed at him

Kouper and uncle

yet another set of hudkins faces

look at that 2 more hudkins faces

i know i know no need to say it we are awesome

hudkins face

hudkins face

hudkins face

hudkins face

evan shaunas bro. not going anywhere anytime soon haha
making the neilsen face

and another neilsen face also shauna called me a loser
because i took a pic of her

mom was not happy i was pretending to be a photographer

Grandpa wanted attention too. lol

Kouper in the fire engine.
suites him well
(future firefighter i think so)

hudkins face yet again

another set of beauty hudkins faces

christmas rocking with a snake

soya posing for her christmas photo

classic hudkins face

soya and george


Troy & Nancy said...

You could always get a smile out of me!
Love ya

Garth said...

Well, that is a most entertaining set of pictures! Thank you for sharing them with us. what a nice looking family, (seriously)!!

polischuk said...

Thanks for the pics cuz! Merry Christmas!!

Anonymous said...

Nice to see enthusiasm and smiles on the blog. Thanks for sharing, Cal. Good to hear you are enjoying your work.

Merry Christmas.
Gramma & Grampa

PS: Hey Garth - How is it you beat me to the comment?? Good on you!

Jon and Alyson said...

Awesome update cousin!! - Alyson

The Hudkins Family said...

Thanx for posting Cal! I loved all the Hudkins faces! And all the animals!
Auntie Charlene xo