Monday, July 30, 2012

2012 Reunion Snapshots

A big thanks to Gramma and Grandpa for making the reunion happen, it was definitely a ton of time and effort on your part.
Thanks to all who contributed. 
Love being with all you good looking folks!!!

 Sadly I didn't have pictures of everyone but a few of the highlights off of my camera!
Love ~ Jenny


Thanx to all who contributed to the hygiene kits, not just with supplies but also organizing and assembling them.  Every step of the process is essential.  Homelessness is a complex issue.  We aren't professionals and we can't solve the addiction problems or the mental illness, but we can make sure that when they come in for a shower, they have new supplies and leave with clean socks!

Because I have been given much, I too must give;
Because of thy great bounty, Lord, each day I live
I shall divide my gifts from thee with every brother that I see
Who has the need of help from me.

Because I have been sheltered, fed by thy good care,
I cannot see another's lack and I not share
 My glowing fire, my loaf of bread, My roof's safe shelter overhead,
That he too may be comforted.

Because I have been blessed by thy great love, dear Lord,
I'll share thy love again, according to thy word.
I shall give love to those in need; I'll show that love by word and deed:
Thus shall my thanks be thanks indeed. 

Hymns #219

Thanx again,
Luv Charlene

What I Loved

Well, Grampa and I were so tired, we were in bed really really early so here I am, bright eyed and bushy tailed, laying in bed thinking about what I loved about our reunion.  Here, in no particular order, are only SOME of what delighted me.  Feel free to add yours:

1.  Most of all, I think I loved seeing our family togetherness; the hugs, the smiles, the excitement at seeing each other. 

2.  I loved seeing how everyone has matured;  the new parents, the success of all the grandchildren; the maturity of our own children performing so admirably the role of gramma and grampa - even though when someone said "gramma" my head automatically turned.

3.  I loved that even though the rain forced us to be in close quarters for many hours there was no contention.  Everyone was still happy and enjoying being together.

4.  I loved the presentation of Arland's mission.  I truly felt the spirit and found myself with moist eyes.

5.  I loved the laughter:  that everyone loved being together.

6.  I loved that we could do service while having fun together.  It felt so good to make the hygiene kits for the homeless.

7.  I loved seeing all the new shortest people.  They are so beautiful and seeing how much their older siblings (the 2,3 and 4 year olds) have matured. 

8.  I loved seeing what wonderful parents the moms and dads of the new little people are.  I am so very proud of each of you. 

9.  I loved the food.

10.  I loved the letter and package for our Elder Arland.

11.  I loved the facility.

12.  I loved that everyone donated so much - time, effort, food, helping each other, planning activities, cleaning up, doing dishes,working together and always with smiles and laughter.

13.  I loved the elk horn name tags/awards.  Such creativity!  How impressive is that?

14.  I loved the smiles and cuddles of the babies.

15.  I loved that we didn't have any mishaps.

16.  I loved that Alyson and Wendy could get to know each other. 

 17.  I love that everyone WANTS to get together and that when we are together we have such a great time.

18.  I loved that everyone wants to look after gramma & grampa.

....   but mostly, I just loved being with my family, for me it is the most favorite place in the world to be.  I think it was President Hinckley who said something like "the love we feel here on earth we will take with us into the eternities."  I am so grateful that we can enhance that love.  I firmly believe that this life is about families.  Thank you for being you and for choosing to become part of our family.  I love each one of you - those who were born into our family and those who were chosen by them.   The only way our reunion could have been better is if EVERYONE could have attended.  We so missed those of you who were working and were not able to be with us this time.  Just know that we were thinking of you!

Oh yes - one last thing:  I loved the zip line.


Sunday, July 29, 2012


Thank you so much everyone for all you did to make our reunion successful and so much fun in spite of all the rain. 

Sylvia has such awesome ideas.  Too fun.
Charlene - thanks for organizing the hygiene kits.  Let's make this a reunion tradition.  Just think how many we could do if we begin preparing early!

Thank you to everyone who worked on meals and clean-up. 
Thank you to the Hinko family for volunteering for the nexdt one.

Those of you who were unable to attend.  We really missed you but often spoke of you (with love).  Were your ears burning? 

We are tired but happy.

Love to you all,
Gramma & Grampa

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

More Reunion Info

We spoke to the lady at the sight this morning.  Here is some more info:

For those in the four rooms in the 'bunkhouse' you need to bring your own pillows as well as other bedding.  These rooms do not have bathrooms. 

The hot tub is working so bring your bathing suits and big towels.
Besides the commercial size gas stove and grill, there is a microwave, two fridges and a freezer, two BBQ's with propane supplied.  Dishsoap, tea towels, table clothes, garbage bags, butcher knives, large skillets and pots and all cleaning stuff are all supplied.  There is lots of wood for the firepit. There are horseshoes for the horseshoe pit but we need to bring our own volleyball.  Also remembeer to bring your wiener sticks.

We plan to be there about 1:00 on Friday to pick up the key and have a walk-through.  We were asked to do the following:  park all trailers and RV's in the 'oval' (between the two driveways).  We were told that tents are best in that area as well.  Remember to bring some type of lighting because although there is electricity in the buildings, there are no hookups in the camping area. 

There are flush toilets and showers.  Bring all your own towels, soap etc.  With the rain, there could be mosquitos - prepare accordingly with clothing and bug gunk. 

We are getting pretty excited to see everyone.  Any questions, give me a call.  I just MIGHT be able to answer them. 

Love you all,
Gramma & Grampa

PS:  Directions to the sight are on the last post. 

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Well hello again from grande prairie

It is me and I'd like to share a touching song I stumbled across YouTube

Love you all and see you soon

Hygiene Kits for the Homeless

After checking with the powers that be a.k.a. Gramma, I'm putting a suggestion out there for one of our activities on Saturday to be a service activity.  I thought that we have enough people in our extended family to put together a dozen or two hygiene kits for the homeless.  Please look through the list below and see what you could donate and don't forget to add it to your packing this week for the reunion!

      soap bars individually wrapped
      shampoo & conditioner
      combs or brushes

 * I will supply the large zip-loc baggies to assemble them in.  All of the above should be new.  Smaller is better - as in travel size (think hotel samples).  Socks can be for men or women.  Feminine hygiene products are also appreciated.  Disposable razors will be accepted.  Please make sure you buy only stick deoderant and not the gel type as it contains alcohol.  So, check out your bathroom storage and your loonie store.  I may even hit up my dentist.  Heaven knows he owes me a few freebies!

There are two places in Fort McMurray that use these.  If someone knows of another, we will split them up.

Thanx all - we can do this!

Luv from Charlene xo

Please put the word out on facebook!

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Fort McMurray Fun!

We've been having fun up here in the north!
The week has flown by but has been full of fun.

Lots of playing in the backyard.   Bless Grandma's heart being the live jungle gym.

We've explored the birds hanging out in the spruce tree.   FYI this spruce tree was planted by me (Jenny) in Grade 1....yes the tree is massive now!!!!

 We checked out BRAVE 3D. 
Grandma was able to get the afternoon off of work so she joined us, such an 'interesting' experience watching in 3D.  It was both Amelia's and my first 3D show.

Mia made orange juice Popsicles with Grandma. 
We had them for breakfast because hey they are orange juice!! Saweet!!!

We ended our week with dinner out...oh the A/C was soooo nice!  Everyone enjoyed it especially Miss Stella who totally gobbled down her 'Bugs n Cheese'.

 LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this pic of my parents!!!
(My dad is actually smiling and looks happy to be hanging out with us)
~ Jenny for the Fort Mac Hinkos

Saturday, July 7, 2012


This quote is from my Sunday School lesson tomorrow.  Probably most have heard it before but I think it really bears repeating!

"God has held you in reserve to make your appearance in the final days before the second coming of the Lord... God has saved for the final days some of His strongest children, who will help bear off the kingdom triumphantly.  That is where you come in, for you are the generation that must be prepared to meet your God... In all ages prophets have looked down through the corridors of time to our day.  Billions of the deceased and those yet to be born have their eyes on us.  Make no mistake about it - you are a marked generation.  There has never been more expected of the faithful in such a short period of time than there is of us."

The Teachings of Ezra Taft Benson (1988) pp. 104-5

Wednesday, July 4, 2012


DATE:    July 27, 28 & 29 - Arrive Friday and leave Sunday
LOCATION:  Back to the Woods - Reunion Resort
On Yellowhead - Hwy 16 West take the Wabamun ramp exit #324 (approx 45 min. west of Edmonton) turn RIGHT going North 3.1 km to Twp 534 turn LEFT go 1.6 km to RR 42 turn RIGHT at the brown house go 2.4 km NORTH (you are on gravel now) and watch for the sign "Back to the Woods" on the right.
If you have any questions, Google Back to the Woods Alberta and see it all for yourself. 

We will gather Friday PM.  A light supper will be provided and unless there are fire restrictions we will have a wiener roast in the evening in the wonderful fire pit which has really nice benches installed all the way around.  Wood is provided.  Bring wiener sticks!

1.  In abundance:  Love, laughter, good humour, sportsmanship and lots of hugs and smiles.

2.  Snacks for the snack table - ie: homemade or bought baking, junk food, chips, fruit, veggies, pop, juice, cheese, crackers - whatever!!  This table is considered calorie free no matter what is on it.

3.  Something to do fabric painting on (colouring) - ie:  plain T-shirt, night shirt, pillow case, hat, towel, whatever you might like to take home as a momento from the reunion. 

4.  Equipment for games.  There is lots of really nice area for outdoor activities so bring all your fun stuff.  There is a horseshoe pit, volleyball net (bring our own VB) there is also a nice area where we can play baseball so don't forget your gloves, balls and bats.  Table games would be good in case of rain.  Stuff for the wee people.  There is a small slide and swings. 

5.  Swimsuits if you want to use the hot tub.

6.  Wiener Sticks!!  Don't forget your flashlights.

7.  Camouflage paint for kick the can.

Friday Supper:    Sylvia & Gramma

Saturday Breakfast:    The Uncles Brent & Garth
                Lunch:         The Hinko Family
                Supper:        Potluck - (sort of organized, assignments have been made.  If I missed you, please give Gramma a call)

Sunday Breakfast:     Sylvia & Gramma
             Lunch etc.     We anticipate there will be lots of leftovers and will use them up for the rest of the day as we clean up to leave.

LODGING:  There is lots of room for tents, trailers, RV's however, there are no hook-ups.  Bring flashlights.

BEDROOMS:  The 4 bedrooms have been spoken for at an extra cost of $25.00 per night to the occupants.  Bring all your own bedding.  There are no bathrooms in rooms.  You need to go to the washroom building for toilet and showers.

There are flush toilets and showers for both men and women.  Bring your own towels and soap etc. 

COST:    We are hoping to stay in the range of $100.00 per household
The potluck and snack table food is your donation.  However, those who have been assigned to provide the whole meal, please submit your receipts with your name BOLDLY written on each one to Gramma to be figured into the total cost.

Any questions??? -- call GRAMPA

Looking forward to seeing you all there and to having a really wonderful time.

Love you all lots and lots,
Gramma (& Grampa)

Sunday, July 1, 2012


I was shocked, confused, bewildered
As I entered Heaven's door,
Not by the beauty of it all,
Nor the lights or its decor.

But it was the folks in Heaven
Who made me sputter and gasp--
The thieves, the liars, the sinners,
The alcoholics and the trash.

There stood the kid from seventh grade
Who swiped my lunch money twice.
Next to him was my old neighbor
Who never said anything nice.

Bob, who I always thought
Was rotting away in hell,
Was sitting pretty on cloud nine,
Looking incredibly well.

I nudged Jesus, 'What's the deal?
I would love to hear Your take.
How'd all these sinners get up here?
God must've made a mistake.

'And why is everyone so quiet,
So somber - give me a clue.'
'Hush, child,' He said,
'they're all in shock.
No one thought they'd be seeing you.'


Remember...Just going to church doesn't make you a
Christian any more than standing in your garage makes you a car.

Every saint has a PAST...
Every sinner has a FUTURE!

Life without God is like an un-sharpened pencil...
It has no point