Thursday, July 12, 2012

Fort McMurray Fun!

We've been having fun up here in the north!
The week has flown by but has been full of fun.

Lots of playing in the backyard.   Bless Grandma's heart being the live jungle gym.

We've explored the birds hanging out in the spruce tree.   FYI this spruce tree was planted by me (Jenny) in Grade 1....yes the tree is massive now!!!!

 We checked out BRAVE 3D. 
Grandma was able to get the afternoon off of work so she joined us, such an 'interesting' experience watching in 3D.  It was both Amelia's and my first 3D show.

Mia made orange juice Popsicles with Grandma. 
We had them for breakfast because hey they are orange juice!! Saweet!!!

We ended our week with dinner out...oh the A/C was soooo nice!  Everyone enjoyed it especially Miss Stella who totally gobbled down her 'Bugs n Cheese'.

 LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this pic of my parents!!!
(My dad is actually smiling and looks happy to be hanging out with us)
~ Jenny for the Fort Mac Hinkos


Anonymous said...

What a nice post!! Thanks for sharing your fun week with us, I love the 3D glasses. Interesting to see the size of the tree and yes - the picture of Mom & Dad is great. Smiling suits your dad!! Practice makes perfect!

Gramma & Grampa

Jon and Alyson said...

Practice makes perfect. That is awesome Gramma! Keep telling him that then cause he still looks like The Grinch in most pics. Jealous we couldn't be up there, glad you had fun. Miss you! -A