Sunday, July 29, 2012


Thank you so much everyone for all you did to make our reunion successful and so much fun in spite of all the rain. 

Sylvia has such awesome ideas.  Too fun.
Charlene - thanks for organizing the hygiene kits.  Let's make this a reunion tradition.  Just think how many we could do if we begin preparing early!

Thank you to everyone who worked on meals and clean-up. 
Thank you to the Hinko family for volunteering for the nexdt one.

Those of you who were unable to attend.  We really missed you but often spoke of you (with love).  Were your ears burning? 

We are tired but happy.

Love to you all,
Gramma & Grampa


Anonymous said...

Thank you Gramma & Grampa for all your hard work and effort in making this reunion happen! We had such a good time catching up with the families! We are sure looking forward to the next one! We love the idea of making the hygiene kits a reunion tradition!

Love to all,
Brent & Roxanne

Garth said...

We also enjoyed ourselves! It was fun to be with family that we do not see as often. Thank you to all who worked behind the scenes to make the reunion a success. Can't wait for the next one!