Monday, July 30, 2012

What I Loved

Well, Grampa and I were so tired, we were in bed really really early so here I am, bright eyed and bushy tailed, laying in bed thinking about what I loved about our reunion.  Here, in no particular order, are only SOME of what delighted me.  Feel free to add yours:

1.  Most of all, I think I loved seeing our family togetherness; the hugs, the smiles, the excitement at seeing each other. 

2.  I loved seeing how everyone has matured;  the new parents, the success of all the grandchildren; the maturity of our own children performing so admirably the role of gramma and grampa - even though when someone said "gramma" my head automatically turned.

3.  I loved that even though the rain forced us to be in close quarters for many hours there was no contention.  Everyone was still happy and enjoying being together.

4.  I loved the presentation of Arland's mission.  I truly felt the spirit and found myself with moist eyes.

5.  I loved the laughter:  that everyone loved being together.

6.  I loved that we could do service while having fun together.  It felt so good to make the hygiene kits for the homeless.

7.  I loved seeing all the new shortest people.  They are so beautiful and seeing how much their older siblings (the 2,3 and 4 year olds) have matured. 

8.  I loved seeing what wonderful parents the moms and dads of the new little people are.  I am so very proud of each of you. 

9.  I loved the food.

10.  I loved the letter and package for our Elder Arland.

11.  I loved the facility.

12.  I loved that everyone donated so much - time, effort, food, helping each other, planning activities, cleaning up, doing dishes,working together and always with smiles and laughter.

13.  I loved the elk horn name tags/awards.  Such creativity!  How impressive is that?

14.  I loved the smiles and cuddles of the babies.

15.  I loved that we didn't have any mishaps.

16.  I loved that Alyson and Wendy could get to know each other. 

 17.  I love that everyone WANTS to get together and that when we are together we have such a great time.

18.  I loved that everyone wants to look after gramma & grampa.

....   but mostly, I just loved being with my family, for me it is the most favorite place in the world to be.  I think it was President Hinckley who said something like "the love we feel here on earth we will take with us into the eternities."  I am so grateful that we can enhance that love.  I firmly believe that this life is about families.  Thank you for being you and for choosing to become part of our family.  I love each one of you - those who were born into our family and those who were chosen by them.   The only way our reunion could have been better is if EVERYONE could have attended.  We so missed those of you who were working and were not able to be with us this time.  Just know that we were thinking of you!

Oh yes - one last thing:  I loved the zip line.



Anonymous said...

Oh yes, and we also missed the lucky family holidaying and having a great time in Nova Scotia.

The Hudkins Family said...

I loved learning the secret of how to shut down Auntie Nancy from "card counting" except I would still lose!!!
Charlene xo