Monday, February 18, 2008

Guess Who??

Hey every one!!
first time on kinda exciting!
so i have somethin to show you guys!!

Guess what these are?!!

they're 2 screws in the roof of my mouth!!

they're not the best!
its weird talking....
and i'm still not use to eating with them,
let me tell ya iv'e scratched my tounge pretty good!!!! ha
but i guess its better than getting your jaw broken!
and when mom tells me i think you have a screw loose,
it could very well be!! haha

any ways got to get to hockey!
love you all, Kenzy


The Hudkins Family said...

so is this a new fad the kids at school are doing or did your brothers hold you down to torture you? you never said why you have screws in your mouth.


The Hudkins Family said...

Wow, Kenz, you didn't tell us about this on the 'phone.

Are they to correct the bite? How long do they need to stay in? Is there a chance they can come loose when you are jarred playing hockey? When did you get them? And the most important question - who took the picture?

Love you much,

The Hudkins Family said...

ha uncle the boys wish they got to put them in haha!

yes, they are to correct my over bite! i got them last Wednesday. i should only need them for a couple months. they can come lose but it takes a lot for that to happen, because they lasted the whole weekends hockey tournament! ha
and mom and dad took the picture, they really wanted me to show everyone!!
love kenz!