Monday, February 18, 2008

A little trip down memory lane.

Thanks for the update on the house Troy and Nancy. Hopefully the rest of the family can give us an update too. I'm sure looking forward to hearing from Cal, Cass, Kenzie, Pat and Matt.

I scanned a few pics. They are about 10 - 15 years old. Big Mike, Chris, Garth and Janene with Brandon, Aaron and Jordan at a Calgary wading pool. (by the way Mike and Chris, it would be nice to see a posting from you guys, I've been trying to get my boys to post something, so far as you have seen they haven't). Remember the day we picked up Muffin at the SPCA after being just a few hours in Calgary? I think this was then, approx. '89 or '90. Also a family photo from 1992. Then a pic from one of the boys birthday. The oldest one is at Terry Jubas wedding in 1979.

Alyson, Jenny, Leslie and Mike (thanks for the christmas update) can you guys give a little update? Emma, Addie, Arland would be nice to hear from you again! (thanks for the Christmas update Addie and Emma).