Monday, February 25, 2008

Oh No, Not Gramma Again!

Well, I don't know what happened last time I tried to get on here. What does it mean when it talks about mime and quick types etc. etc. I just don't know all this techno jargon.

It is good to hear how well Cal & Kenz and coach Troy have done this year. Congratulations on your wins. Your family has really made an impact on hockey in Bremerton! Is hockey finished for the year now?

Congratulations, as well, to Cass. Good Job! Not only are you a good player, but your are a GOOD GUY - which is super important. Keep up the good work!

We are very proud of all of our family. The more we talk to other people, the more I realize that we have a wonderful family to be proud of.

Grampa & I are keeping pretty busy. Michael is still here. He has about 3 or so weeks left. He has kept his nose to the grindstone and has done really well. We are proud of him. He is a pleasure to have around. Quiet, clean, tidy, gives me lots of hugs and eats everything which is always a big plus with Gramma.

This evening we had our Empty Nesters Family Home Evening activity. We went to the Telus World Science Center Imax and saw "The Alps". It was interesting and fascinating but I'd rather have Saskatchewan any day. I like to see where I'm going.

This Saturday we're having all the grandkids who are in town for supper. It will be fun. Grampa's cooking because I work at the temple in the PM. Sure hope everyone likes KD, canned ham and cold pork and beans!! ... Well no, I think we'll have him look after the roast and peel potatoes. The girls are bringing salad and dessert. It should work.

March 14, 15, 16 & 17 a bunch of us are going on a quilting retreat. Charlene, Sylvia, Jen, Alyson, Leslie & I. It's a UFO (unfinished objects) I'm taking my scrapbooking. Should get lots done in those many days. I'm getting quite excited. It will be lots of fun to be together. Too bad everyone can't be there then it would be even funner!

O.K. enough of my rambling. Grampa is already in bed.

Love you all very much.
