Sunday, February 24, 2008

Hi everyone!

Congratulations Cal and Kenzy! Sounds like you had a good tournment! Reading your blog brought back some memories of the 15 years I spent as a hockey mom! I think the last hockey game I was at was the day Jordan broke his knee, which happened to be on his 14th birthday! He never played again...he says now he wishes he would have continued to play. Jordan mentioned to me that he is planning on playing in a men's hockey league next winter.

Everyone is doing well. Aaron and Chelsey are heading to the Dominican Republic in March to attend Chelsey's Dad's wedding. Jordan had all of his wisdom teeth pulled on Thursday so he is still recouperating. The grandkids are all doing well.

We have booked a houseboat for one week in August on the Shuswap. All of the boys, Chelsey, Kristina and grandkids are planning on joining us. Brooke was a bit concerned...she asked me if there are sharks in the lake! I told her no and that grandma will be going in the water too...that seemed to reassure her. Keisha is doing well and liking play school. Austin is talking quite a bit and says new words everyday! And at times he likes to torment his big sister! I'll send pics soon!

Anyway, that's all for now. Take care!
