Thursday, May 29, 2008

Hi Everyone!

I haven't been on the blog for awhile, so here's an update.

We are doing square foot gardening this year. Brent built a 4' x 4' box - he planted potatoes in it about two weeks ago, just before going on shutdown. He also built two 4' x 10' garden boxes. I have them almost filled with the mixture. I am looking forward to planting the garden on Saturday. Everyday I check out the potatoe box to see how they are coming along! I am happy to say they are sprouting!

Aaron and Chelsey moved in with us on Mother's Day. We are enjoying their help and their company! They have a little dog named "Rocky", named after Rocky Belboa, of course! Brooke will be here for the weekend so I am sure she will be very willing to help Grandma plant the garden.

Keisha graduated from playschool tonight. Chelsey and I was very cute. I am sure Jordan and Kristina will post pics soon.

I went to visit my family on the weekend...we had a short but good visit. I am really enjoying my early morning fact I look forward to it! Anyway, that's about it for now.

Take care everyone!

Love & hugs,


The Hudkins Family said...

Nice to hear your update. Your sqare foot gardening sounds like fun. My containers are growing but I don't think I'm getting enough sunshine. The trees are leafed out and are very thick. The beans look especially puny. So we'll see. So far the tomatoes look healthy. It's one thing to have a plant and another for it to produce. We'll see.

So many graduations any more, starting right from Kindergarten. It must have been fun. Give them all a hug from great-gramma.

Today I'm taking Betty around to nurseries to pick up plants. She just got back from Italy on Wednesday. Grampa works this PM at the temple.

Love to all,