Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Jacey Update!

Hey guys, thanks so much for your prayers. They are obviously working. Jacey is looking much better, her color is back and she is much more alert and aware. I am also able to nurse her again which is great for both of us. The doctors are still trying to figure out what is wrong but have ruled out a few things. She is still in the hospital and will be at least until the end of the week, however if nothing is found she might be able to come home. Could end up being chalked up to new baby body getting things in order. She has not had any seizure activity since Monday morning and has only had one non-breathing episode early this morning. Doctor has said that she is a little boggling but that she is doing much better. Those prayers really worked!!! We love you lots and will keep you posted on what is going on. Love you; Jon, Alyson and Jacey

Monday, August 25, 2008

Family Prayer Required

Alyson has asked me to post this blog.

Last evening our beautiful little baby Jacey was taken to the hospital with breathing problems and is now in NICU. They are monitoring her and doing testing. The staff is wonderful. As you can imagine, Mom & Dad are extremely concerned and worried, as we all are.

We ask that all the family would please unite in prayer for Jacey, Alyson & Jon.
Your love and support is so very much appreciated.

Love to you all,

Friday, August 22, 2008

Jacey Emilie Bird is here!!!

Well folks here is the update from the Hinko/Bird Mix. August 21 at 5:15 AM, Jacey Emilie Bird was born. Mom and baby are doing really well. Jacey was 7 pounds 2 ounces and 19 3/4 inches long. Her hands and feet are huge, and she definitely looks like a Bird....or so everyone tells me! I went into the hospital at 9:00 PM and was 3 cm and by 4:45 AM was pushing. No epidural or episiotomy, Jen says I'm a rock star but truthfully just hate needles. Got home today, apparently were trustworthy enough to take the kid with us...YIKES! So here are some pics of the happy family, and the overly proud gramma's! =) The last shot is the proud uncle!!!
Love: Jon, Alyson and Jacey (There gramma no more Helicopter)

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Update from the Fort.

Brandons crew Barbie and David are standing next to Brandon. Seated, left to right are Jakeem, Marcus, Andre and Tyeisha. (I hope I spelled their names right). (Below) It was very hot on sunday, so we cooled off in the pool.

(left) Aaron and I took Brandons boys on a hike by the Buffaloe statues (lots of mosquitos, NO SPRAY, lots of complaints). But they did have a good time at the dragline across the highway from Syncrude. (below) A walk around Borealis and the Snye was fun.

Well its been a long time since we've been on, so I'll give a little update. Roxanne and I have been working with only a couple days off here and there. I've had to work alot of OT so far this year and during the shutdown in June it put me over 400 hours of OT, but I managed to get time off for Mike and Addies wedding (I think you saw me taking the pics for them). Anyhow, we've had some visitors also. Mom and Dad were up a couple of weeks after the wedding. Two weeks ago Brandon brought his girlfriend and her kids up for the weekend. We had a very good visit and we are happy to get to know Barbie and her kids better. We will be heading to the Shuswap soon. We have rented a houseboat for a week and we're really looking forward to the time off. Aaron and Chelsey have bought a house in Red Deer and will be moving into it in the beginning of October. I picked up Brooke on the way back from Edmonton on saturday. She'll be coming with us on the houseboat as will Aaron, Chelsey, Jordan, Kristina, Austin and Keisha. There wasn't enough room for Brandons crew (we had to book it last year and it cost too much to upgrade to fit everyone).

Here are some Pics from this summer ..... so far. (if I was better at blogging I'd be able to move the pics around and get the comments next to the right pics). but I think you'll get the jest of it.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

New Film

Grampa and I went to the pre-screening of Emma Smith, My Story. We enjoyed it very much. They are hoping to get it to an Edmonton threater hopefully in September. Emma was a great lady, one we would do well to emulate. If any of you ever get a chance to see this movie, it would be a good one to take in. Well worth seeing.

Finally there is a little more action on the blog. I was having to go into withdrawals.

Grampa spends his time playing solitair and whenever I get a chance at the computer, I always check the blog!! It was pretty dry for a while.

Love to you all,

Friday, August 15, 2008


Hey!!!!!! We're on the Hudkins blog. We thought we would enter with a bang, you know make an entrance that won't be forgotten! We thought we would share with you highlights of our honeymoon! We came back to our apartment sunday night after the gift opening unpacked/packed for the honeymoon then the next morning took off at about 10:46.....two minutes later ...literally!

at 10:48........we were spotted......notice in the back window a sign taped to the inside of the window which says "Just Married"!
In case you dont know what the picture is all about we'll zoom out a bit.........

Huh! Interesting way to start the honeymoon. Too bad it went to mamma "J" and Garth before we could conceal it!
We are pleased to report however that the honeymoon was excellent we stayed in a cabin in B.C....we went to the beach, hotsprings, saw all the tourist attractions in kimberley the bavarian city of the rockies where Mike grew up, and met some of Mike's old friends!! It was a blast!
In the Platzel, what they call Downtown Kimberley!

Addie found a friend........Mike got a little jealous...........and he is even shorter then Mike!

At wasa beach ohhhhh yeahhhh!

The scariest road ever, that one has to take to arrive at the whiteswan hot springs its like a thousand foot drop on the right side!!!......Good thing Mike was only going 100 km/hour haha

And we will finish as we began............with a bang! Poor Addie had to go to the bathroom real bad and Mike was determined to keep going, finally we pull in at a gas station outside of Airdre and low and behold what drops out of the sky the vacuum of death trying to suck us up!!! What a great adventure to begin an even greater one!!!

Stannix's signing out! love ya all!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008



Crazy couples!

best family ever!!!
(the name says it all)

Arland exfoliating him self!
( sea monster)

wheres arland??

are noses are gone, but the tags are on!

Related much??!!

Love you guys, Kenzy and Emma

Didn't you know that Kenzy's Hannah Montana?

whatever it was...she did it!

kenzy: "Oh from Arland too...."

Emma: "Not Arland!!!!!"

Arland: "Help me, Im dying!"
Kenzy: "I'll save you!!"
Emma: "I think Im in love!"

from kenzy, emma and ARLAND!

Thursday, August 7, 2008

No Helicopter sighting as of yet!

Hey guys, the Bird fam writing in. Just thought I should update people on our current events.

Jon and I are now slowly moving into Jenny and Graham's finished (almost) basement which is looking B-E-Autiful. Were excited to be downstairs, it is nice and cool all the time. Baby room is not quite completed but just about, only needs things to be set up by Jenny aka Martha Stewart. Jon has a few weeks left of work before school starts up for him, WAHOO last semester. He took a week off before it starts in hopes that the kidlet will make an appearance to hang out with. I am same old, same old. Getting large and in charge! I went for my last appointment and she is pretty low, alot of pressure. Doc said she looks about 5.5-6.5 lbs so far which is nice, my friends kid is a week after me and already 7.8. YIKES! There is an unofficial pool going on for due dates, so far: the 7th, 9th, 20th, 26th and 29th. Any takers?!? If anyone rolls into the September time frame, I might snap case a bit hehe. To give you all a little push, I did have some contractions a few nights ago...does that entice you? Gramma thinks that the closest date should get to name her...we'll have to see on that one! =) My real due date is the 24th. Have fun! Anyways also new, Jon and I started a blog for our own little family. Address is jonandalyson.blogspot.com You should all check it out, kinda fun. Words from the Birds is what its called. Anyways hope all's well. We love you and take care! Pics are: (Me at 35 wks), (Les 25wks,Jen and I 35wks), Jon and I at Gull Lake

Friday, August 1, 2008

Best Wishes Garth

Well Garth, this was your last day at the store. They will miss you and your expertise.

We wish you much success in your new venture. Enjoy the change.

Mom & Dad