Friday, August 15, 2008


Hey!!!!!! We're on the Hudkins blog. We thought we would enter with a bang, you know make an entrance that won't be forgotten! We thought we would share with you highlights of our honeymoon! We came back to our apartment sunday night after the gift opening unpacked/packed for the honeymoon then the next morning took off at about 10:46.....two minutes later ...literally!

at 10:48........we were spotted......notice in the back window a sign taped to the inside of the window which says "Just Married"!
In case you dont know what the picture is all about we'll zoom out a bit.........

Huh! Interesting way to start the honeymoon. Too bad it went to mamma "J" and Garth before we could conceal it!
We are pleased to report however that the honeymoon was excellent we stayed in a cabin in B.C....we went to the beach, hotsprings, saw all the tourist attractions in kimberley the bavarian city of the rockies where Mike grew up, and met some of Mike's old friends!! It was a blast!
In the Platzel, what they call Downtown Kimberley!

Addie found a friend........Mike got a little jealous...........and he is even shorter then Mike!

At wasa beach ohhhhh yeahhhh!

The scariest road ever, that one has to take to arrive at the whiteswan hot springs its like a thousand foot drop on the right side!!!......Good thing Mike was only going 100 km/hour haha

And we will finish as we began............with a bang! Poor Addie had to go to the bathroom real bad and Mike was determined to keep going, finally we pull in at a gas station outside of Airdre and low and behold what drops out of the sky the vacuum of death trying to suck us up!!! What a great adventure to begin an even greater one!!!

Stannix's signing out! love ya all!


Jon and Alyson said...

Right on! Sounds like it was an eventful honeymoon. Everyone was wondering if you guys were still alive...glad to see that you are! We love ya! Take Care

The Hudkins Family said...

It is so good to hear from you.

Now you are on the downhill run with your summer job and looking forward to classes.

Love you both,
Gramma & Grampa

The Hudkins Family said...

Wow! Scary storm. Did you experience any of the affects where you were?

The Hudkins Family said...

It was nice and calm, just with black clouds...then it picked up a bit and we went in for a potty break haha and then came out and the wind was blowing like crazy and rain drops were pelting our skin and stuff...but it was kinda neat.....
